[Simh] Terminal Emulator
Pär Moberg
2018-01-26 02:43:10 UTC
I am looking for good terminal emulators for my 286.
I will attach to Linux and simh/pdp-11 and simh/pdp-8.
I got a vga card for my 286.
Dan Gahlinger
2018-01-26 02:45:27 UTC

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: Pär Moberg <***@gmail.com>
Date: 1/25/18 9:43 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: ***@trailing-edge.com
Subject: [Simh] Terminal Emulator

I am looking for good terminal emulators for my 286.
I will attach to Linux and simh/pdp-11 and simh/pdp-8.
I got a vga card for my 286.
Gregg Levine
2018-01-26 02:56:15 UTC
Normally I use Putty when it can connect. But Kermit certainly will,
and since it is available for most of what you'd want to run inside,
it will fully enable loading and downloading of files.
Gregg C Levine ***@gmail.com
"This signature fought the Time Wars, time and again."

On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 9:45 PM, Dan Gahlinger <***@hotmail.com> wrote:
> telix
> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Pär Moberg <***@gmail.com>
> Date: 1/25/18 9:43 PM (GMT-05:00)
> To: ***@trailing-edge.com
> Subject: [Simh] Terminal Emulator
> Hello,
> I am looking for good terminal emulators for my 286.
> I will attach to Linux and simh/pdp-11 and simh/pdp-8.
> I got a vga card for my 286.
> //Pär
> _______________________________________________
> Simh mailing list
> ***@trailing-edge.com
> http://mailman.trailing-edge.com/mailman/listinfo/simh
Zane Healy
2018-01-26 03:39:22 UTC
I initially had to use Telix running on a 386sx laptop to send the bootstrap to my PDP-11. I used it a lot in the 90’s. One of the best MS DOS programs I know of.


> On Jan 25, 2018, at 6:45 PM, Dan Gahlinger <***@hotmail.com> wrote:
> telix
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Pär Moberg <***@gmail.com>
> Date: 1/25/18 9:43 PM (GMT-05:00)
> To: ***@trailing-edge.com
> Subject: [Simh] Terminal Emulator
> Hello,
> I am looking for good terminal emulators for my 286.
> I will attach to Linux and simh/pdp-11 and simh/pdp-8.
> I got a vga card for my 286.
> //Pär
> _______________________________________________
> Simh mailing list
> ***@trailing-edge.com
> http://mailman.trailing-edge.com/mailman/listinfo/simh
2018-01-26 06:15:26 UTC
I used PROCOMM on an 8088; I never used telix.

"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book <http://tinyurl.com/d3d-pipeline>
The Terminals Wiki <http://terminals-wiki.org>
The Computer Graphics Museum <http://ComputerGraphicsMuseum.org>
Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) <http://LegalizeAdulthood.wordpress.com>
Armistead, Jason
2018-01-26 13:51:47 UTC
Another good terminal emulator was WRQ's Reflection 2. Of course, it was not freeware/shareware, but it ran well, and had its own file transfer protocol built in. For VAX/VMS hosts, once you uploaded a minimalist bootstrap program (a simple copy-paste operation of a DCL script that embedded some VAX MACRO code that it assembled IIRC), it then copied an actual VAX EXE that could do the heavy lifting of file upload/download long-term. Worked very well and we were loyal Reflection users all the way through from DOS 3.x in the late 1980s through to the days of Windows 2000 (circa Reflection V7.x for Windows IIRC). Nowadays the Reflection suite is owned by MicroFocus.

Fun times ...

-----Original Message-----
From: Simh [mailto:simh-***@trailing-edge.com] On Behalf Of Richard
Sent: Friday, 26 January 2018 1:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Simh] Terminal Emulator

I used PROCOMM on an 8088; I never used telix.