[Simh] Announcing TCP/IP for RSX-11M-PLUS
Johnny Billquist
2018-03-04 09:38:22 UTC
Time for a new release announcement of TCP/IP for RSX-11M-PLUS.

This release contains a lot of fixes and improvements in many areas.
There are a couple of very serious bugs in TCP that is fixed in this
release which is why I really encourage people to upgrade. (They do not
happen often, but if they happen, they have a high chance of crashing
the system.)


- Stability and reliability improvements in TCP.
- Improved HTTPD
- Improved MAILD

Magica.Update.UU.SE, which is a real PDP-11/70, have now run with the
latest release for over 3 weeks without any issues, so I think it's safe
to say that this product is now very stable. Mim.Update.UU.SE (an
emulated 11/74) have in the same time served over 7Gb of data over FTP,
HTTP and other lower volume channels. (And both of these machines are
more or less fully exposed to the internet, so they see a *lot* of
connections and random attempts to compromise them all the time.)

Detailed information on things that have been done since the last release:

- Improved handling of received TCP push packets.
- Improved TCP ACK handling under lost packet recovery.
- Improved TCP window update handling.
- Bugfix for the condition that a socket was closed while there was
outstanding sends and the remaining window was 0 and the transmission
was not ACKed. This would cause the socket to get stuck in a pending state.
- Improved TCP write handling. The second IOSB word was previously not
set to reflect how much data was written.
- Added new TCP option for sockets to optionally return available data
at read if push was set.
- Bugfix in TCP. An internal data structure was sometimes modified when
it should not be, which could cause a system crash under rare circumstances.

- Improved error handling for CGI pages.
- Improved subprocess handling for CGI module.

- Improved MAILD to handle broken Linux MAIL11 server.
- Improved MAILD error handling.
- Bugfix in MAIL. When composing mails, the temporary file is now
created under SYS$LOGIN.
- Added timeouts for various parts of MAIL11 processing.

- Improved subprocess handling in BASIC+2 library.
- Updated F77 library and documentation.

- Improved performance.

As usual, the distribution is available from:

The documentation is also available through ftp on Mim, or also at

The firewall for Mim have now been removed, so no need for the alternate
ports, but Mim is still listening to the alternate ports as well.
ftp: 10021
telnet: 10023

Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: ***@softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol