[Simh] SuperPI for TOPS-10
Matjaz Rihtar
2018-10-19 23:16:41 UTC
The passing of Paul Allen this week reminded me of his message from some years ago:


so I decided to release one small program, which I wrote when I was a system admin on our University's DECsystem-10. It's available on Github:


It's written in MACRO-10 assembler and calculates number PI to N decimal places. When running on the original machine (KL 10-E with 2 MW), it *really* slowed down the whole machine for several hours, so I could run it only once. Now on SIMH PDP-10 it finishes in few minutes.

If you have suggestions how to improve the program (besides changing the formula), please create the pull request, although I might not respond right away. After all, it took me 31 years to publish the program ;-)

