[Simh] Release of a set of simulators for IBM 7000 series mainframes
Sancho Villa, Roberto
2017-12-29 12:53:34 UTC
Great and fine release! Very good work.

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2017 13:23:25 -0500
Subject: [Simh] Release of a set of simulators for IBM 7000 series
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
I am pleased to announce the release of a set of simulators for IBM
IBM 705: Some stand alone programs.
IBM 7080: Diagnostics.
IBM 1410/7010: PR 155 & PR108.
IBM 704: SAP (assembler) and soon Fortran II.
IBM 709: Lisp 1.5, 9AP (assembler), Diagnostics
IBM 7090/7094: IBSYS and CTSS.
I am still working on an automatic rebuild of CTSS using IBSYS to build the basic binaries. However prebuild disk images are available.
These simulators have been developed over many years and I have way too many people to thank for the help that they have given in testing and recovery of
software. Some of these simulators are more stable then others, the more software that I have to test them the more stable they are. The IBM 701 and IBM
7070 are fairly untested since there is almost no software for either of these machines. These machines all shared a common set of I/O devices so it made sense
to implement them as a collection.
I plan to add in a IBM 7030 simulator after I finish transcribing and proofing the diagnostics and MCP and write a assembler for the machine.
I would also like to do a 7040/4 if anyone can find a copy of either IBSYS or DCSYS for it.
Richard Cornwell
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-cornwell-991076107

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