[Simh] Crowther's Adventure Game
Bob Supnik
2018-02-02 20:20:17 UTC
SPEAK got banged up a lot during the conversion to the PDP-11, because
of the difference in word width, but the relevant fragment is:

5    TYPE 2,(LINES(I),I=1,L)
2    FORMAT(' ',36A2)

This is still 1977-78, but the PDP-11 Fortran compilers (both F4 and
F77) adhered to the 'standard' for FORMAT statements, which required an
initial carriage-control character. A space (or 1X) meant single space.

VAX FORTRAN allowed for character strings to be treated as subscripted
arrays, so the final VAX FORTRAN equivalent was:

2    FORMAT(' ',A)

Still has the initial space for carriage control.

So adding '1X,' to the start of the SPEAK FORMAT statement should do the

PDP-11 Adventure was built from the Crowther/Woods 350-point version,
which had hours controls and the like; all of the policy extensions were
ripped out to fit the game into a 28KW LSI-11 with two single-density 8"
floppy disks under RT11.

Lars Brinkhoff
2018-02-02 20:44:44 UTC
Post by Bob Supnik
So adding '1X,' to the start of the SPEAK FORMAT statement should do
the trick.
Yes, it does. Or should, I tested with 1H .

I see some other versions come with a data file which doesn't have that
extra space in front of the text. So of course they would need to add
it in SPEAK.
Post by Bob Supnik
PDP-11 Adventure was built from the Crowther/Woods 350-point version
I found two slightly different variations of the 350-point version:


The original Crowther and Woods PDP-10 FORTRAN source code of the
Colossal Cave Adventure (350 points). Every other version can be tracked
down to this one. (There is another version of the original source in


The original Crowther and Woods PDP-10 FORTRAN source code of the
Colossal Cave Adventure (350 points). (There is another version of the
original source in advent-original.tar.gz)
