[Simh] Install VAX/VMS 4.4 on a simulated VAX-11/780
Clem Cole
2018-03-23 15:13:11 UTC
Before you go too much farther, I would recommend that you get the latest
version of simh: https://github.com/simh/simh
A great deal has changed since simh 3 and you are likely to run into few

Once you have that working, I would suggest you search the archives of the
info-vax mailing lists: Info-vax Archives
<http://rbnsn.com/pipermail/info-vax_rbnsn.com/> and maybe subscribe to
their mailing list http://rbnsn.com/mailman/listinfo/info-vax_rbnsn.com

Best wishes,
Clem Cole
I'm new to this list, so forgive me if I do things wrong...
For an article about the history of prompts I want to make screendumps of
all systems I worked on. In 1986 (may be 1987) I learned Pascal on the
VAX-11/785 (I think) on the university.
So two days ago I started a journey to install VAX/VMS 4.4 -- because that
is the most probable version used -- on a VAX-11/780 using the Simh
emulator under Debian Stretch. That was the first problem because the man
page of the vax780 command said that ka655.bin was not included. I found
the ka655x.bin in the Simh git. Later I discovered that the man page is
probably wrong and I must use vmb.exe instead.
After searching I found the bb-bt05c-be tape [1] which contains DEC
VAX/VMS V4.4 BIN 16MT9 (C)1986 [2]. After a lot of trial, problems and
searching I finally discovered that I need the Standalone Backup and a
I adapted the given ini to the following -- the complete ini with the same
load vmb.exe
set rp0 rp06
set rp1 rp06
attach rp0 stb40.rp6
set console log=logs/vms44.log
VAX780 simulator V3.8-1
Overwrite last track? [N]
Logging to file "logs/vms44.log"
sim> boot rp1
Loading boot code from vmb.exe
Simulation stopped, PC: 00000E8D (BITL #1000,4(R7))
sim> attach ts bb-bt05c-be.tap
sim> cont
And there it hangs. I downloaded the v3.0 tape used in the example, but
that results in the same.
The above looks the most promising of all examples I tried. Most used
options which didn't work or crashed the emulator. Can someone point me in
the right direction to install the operating system. Thanks for any help.
[1] ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/cm/dec/vax/sw/magtapes/
[2] ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/cm/dec/vax/sw/magt
[3] http://simh.trailing-edge.narkive.com/P8L1m0CF/problem-booti
[4] http://iamvirtual.ca/VAX11/VAX-11-software.html
Henk van de Kamer
Simh mailing list
Tim Shoppa
2018-03-23 15:17:57 UTC
I'm sure those three standalone backup tapes are TU58 images which aren't
really "tapes" in the usual SIMH sense of the word. TU58 images are a
little more like "disks" in the emulator world.

You do not attach them to "TS". I think you attach them to "TD0" in a
simulated 11/750 or maybe just maybe a 11/730. I do not know if they would
work on a 11/780 or if 11/780 ever supported booting from TU58.

I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with using a different
version of standalone backup (later than VMS 4.4) to do the restore.

If you wanted to be super historically correct on a 11/780 in the mid-80's
you would could be using the RX01 standalone backup floppies.

Tim N3QE
I'm new to this list, so forgive me if I do things wrong...
For an article about the history of prompts I want to make screendumps of
all systems I worked on. In 1986 (may be 1987) I learned Pascal on the
VAX-11/785 (I think) on the university.
So two days ago I started a journey to install VAX/VMS 4.4 -- because that
is the most probable version used -- on a VAX-11/780 using the Simh
emulator under Debian Stretch. That was the first problem because the man
page of the vax780 command said that ka655.bin was not included. I found
the ka655x.bin in the Simh git. Later I discovered that the man page is
probably wrong and I must use vmb.exe instead.
After searching I found the bb-bt05c-be tape [1] which contains DEC
VAX/VMS V4.4 BIN 16MT9 (C)1986 [2]. After a lot of trial, problems and
searching I finally discovered that I need the Standalone Backup and a
I adapted the given ini to the following -- the complete ini with the same
load vmb.exe
set rp0 rp06
set rp1 rp06
attach rp0 stb40.rp6
set console log=logs/vms44.log
VAX780 simulator V3.8-1
Overwrite last track? [N]
Logging to file "logs/vms44.log"
sim> boot rp1
Loading boot code from vmb.exe
Simulation stopped, PC: 00000E8D (BITL #1000,4(R7))
sim> attach ts bb-bt05c-be.tap
sim> cont
And there it hangs. I downloaded the v3.0 tape used in the example, but
that results in the same.
The above looks the most promising of all examples I tried. Most used
options which didn't work or crashed the emulator. Can someone point me in
the right direction to install the operating system. Thanks for any help.
[1] ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/cm/dec/vax/sw/magtapes/
[2] ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/cm/dec/vax/sw/
[3] http://simh.trailing-edge.narkive.com/P8L1m0CF/problem-booti
[4] http://iamvirtual.ca/VAX11/VAX-11-software.html
Henk van de Kamer
Simh mailing list
Mike Stramba
2018-03-23 15:50:05 UTC
I have VMS4 on Win7 running from this page :


I'm using the win32 executable Vax782 from that page.

I haven't tried compiling the 782 on a Linux box yet.

Post by Tim Shoppa
I'm sure those three standalone backup tapes are TU58 images which aren't
really "tapes" in the usual SIMH sense of the word. TU58 images are a
little more like "disks" in the emulator world.
You do not attach them to "TS". I think you attach them to "TD0" in a
simulated 11/750 or maybe just maybe a 11/730. I do not know if they would
work on a 11/780 or if 11/780 ever supported booting from TU58.
I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with using a different
version of standalone backup (later than VMS 4.4) to do the restore.
If you wanted to be super historically correct on a 11/780 in the mid-80's
you would could be using the RX01 standalone backup floppies.
Tim N3QE
I'm new to this list, so forgive me if I do things wrong...
For an article about the history of prompts I want to make screendumps of
all systems I worked on. In 1986 (may be 1987) I learned Pascal on the
VAX-11/785 (I think) on the university.
So two days ago I started a journey to install VAX/VMS 4.4 -- because that
is the most probable version used -- on a VAX-11/780 using the Simh
emulator under Debian Stretch. That was the first problem because the man
page of the vax780 command said that ka655.bin was not included. I found
the ka655x.bin in the Simh git. Later I discovered that the man page is
probably wrong and I must use vmb.exe instead.
After searching I found the bb-bt05c-be tape [1] which contains DEC
VAX/VMS V4.4 BIN 16MT9 (C)1986 [2]. After a lot of trial, problems and
searching I finally discovered that I need the Standalone Backup and a
I adapted the given ini to the following -- the complete ini with the same
load vmb.exe
set rp0 rp06
set rp1 rp06
attach rp0 stb40.rp6
set console log=logs/vms44.log
VAX780 simulator V3.8-1
Overwrite last track? [N]
Logging to file "logs/vms44.log"
sim> boot rp1
Loading boot code from vmb.exe
Simulation stopped, PC: 00000E8D (BITL #1000,4(R7))
sim> attach ts bb-bt05c-be.tap
sim> cont
And there it hangs. I downloaded the v3.0 tape used in the example, but
that results in the same.
The above looks the most promising of all examples I tried. Most used
options which didn't work or crashed the emulator. Can someone point me in
the right direction to install the operating system. Thanks for any help.
[1] ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/cm/dec/vax/sw/magtapes/
[2] ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/cm/dec/vax/sw/
[3] http://simh.trailing-edge.narkive.com/P8L1m0CF/problem-booti
[4] http://iamvirtual.ca/VAX11/VAX-11-software.html
Henk van de Kamer
Simh mailing list
Mike Stramba
2018-03-23 15:53:33 UTC
Here's my ini file :

attach rq0 vms46sys.dsk
attach rq1 vms040stb.rx3

attach ts bb-bt05c-be_vms_v4_4_c1986.tap
attach cs vms044mup.rx1

set ma0 enable
set ma0 2m
attach ma0 vaxmem0

set ma1 enable
set ma1 2m
attach ma1 vaxmem1

set cpu idle
b rq0 /R5:800
Post by Mike Stramba
I'm using the win32 executable Vax782 from that page.
I haven't tried compiling the 782 on a Linux box yet.
Post by Tim Shoppa
I'm sure those three standalone backup tapes are TU58 images which aren't
really "tapes" in the usual SIMH sense of the word. TU58 images are a
little more like "disks" in the emulator world.
You do not attach them to "TS". I think you attach them to "TD0" in a
simulated 11/750 or maybe just maybe a 11/730. I do not know if they would
work on a 11/780 or if 11/780 ever supported booting from TU58.
I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with using a different
version of standalone backup (later than VMS 4.4) to do the restore.
If you wanted to be super historically correct on a 11/780 in the mid-80's
you would could be using the RX01 standalone backup floppies.
Tim N3QE
I'm new to this list, so forgive me if I do things wrong...
For an article about the history of prompts I want to make screendumps of
all systems I worked on. In 1986 (may be 1987) I learned Pascal on the
VAX-11/785 (I think) on the university.
So two days ago I started a journey to install VAX/VMS 4.4 -- because that
is the most probable version used -- on a VAX-11/780 using the Simh
emulator under Debian Stretch. That was the first problem because the man
page of the vax780 command said that ka655.bin was not included. I found
the ka655x.bin in the Simh git. Later I discovered that the man page is
probably wrong and I must use vmb.exe instead.
After searching I found the bb-bt05c-be tape [1] which contains DEC
VAX/VMS V4.4 BIN 16MT9 (C)1986 [2]. After a lot of trial, problems and
searching I finally discovered that I need the Standalone Backup and a
I adapted the given ini to the following -- the complete ini with the same
load vmb.exe
set rp0 rp06
set rp1 rp06
attach rp0 stb40.rp6
set console log=logs/vms44.log
VAX780 simulator V3.8-1
Overwrite last track? [N]
Logging to file "logs/vms44.log"
sim> boot rp1
Loading boot code from vmb.exe
Simulation stopped, PC: 00000E8D (BITL #1000,4(R7))
sim> attach ts bb-bt05c-be.tap
sim> cont
And there it hangs. I downloaded the v3.0 tape used in the example, but
that results in the same.
The above looks the most promising of all examples I tried. Most used
options which didn't work or crashed the emulator. Can someone point me in
the right direction to install the operating system. Thanks for any help.
[1] ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/cm/dec/vax/sw/magtapes/
[2] ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/cm/dec/vax/sw/
[3] http://simh.trailing-edge.narkive.com/P8L1m0CF/problem-booti
[4] http://iamvirtual.ca/VAX11/VAX-11-software.html
Henk van de Kamer
Simh mailing list
Matt Burke
2018-03-27 23:09:23 UTC
That page I also found. However there disk gave errors and I blamed
that on the different machine. A lot of the tuning also doesn't apply
load vmb.exe
set cpu idle
attach rq0 vms44sys.dsk
attach rq1 vms040stb.rx3
attach ts bb-bt05c-be.tap
;attach cs vms044mup.rx1
set console log=logs/vms44.log
This all looks fine but as you are using an old version of Simh you will
need to add 'set rq1 rx33' to your ini file. The rq1 device will not
automatically adjust to the size of the image like it does in newer
versions. Also the CS device is called RX in the older version.

If you start from the heading 'Setting up the VAX-11/782' and ignore
anything relating to the ma0 and ma1 devices then the instructions on my
website should work just fine for a standard VAX-11/780 up to the point
where is says 'The installation of VAX/VMS is now complete'.

Clem Cole
2018-03-25 21:23:43 UTC
A small suggestion... while you can probably get the 780 to recognize and
support a TU58, booting from it may be difficult (I did not find it
mentioned in any SDP or other doc). The 780 family has a dedicated PDP-11
with RX floppy drives that runs as the 'front end' for it and boots it.
The PDP-11 run an small OS RSX-11/S (I think - but man those bit in my
brain are long lost) and can reach in the SMI to load the OS image into
memory from the disk and then points the system at it. The 750 and 730
have boot roms for he VAX itself that know how to talk to the peripherals
such as the TU58 .

IIRC, the TU58 controller is sitting on the UBA and I really don't think
the code in the PDP-11 knows how to get to them. The path to make that
all would be a tad convoluted and I suspect no one bothered to write for
the TU58 it back in the day because everything for the VAX was based on
either the RX floppies, 9-track tape or the disk itself.

That said, in theory, a 750 should be able to create a disk image that
contains an OS that could be booted on a 750 and a 780.


What you might consider, is setting simh4.x up as a 750 and read those
tapes, set up the system and create RP06/07 or RM05/06 etc. disk images.
Then reconfigure the simulator as a 780, and attach that disk image. Then
use the standard 780 boot via the RX floppies and the PDP-11, you should be
all set.

Wilm Boerhout
2018-03-26 09:35:16 UTC
A small suggestion...   while you can probably get the 780 to
recognize and support a TU58, booting from it may be difficult (I did
not find it mentioned in any SDP or other doc).   The 780 family has a
dedicated PDP-11 with RX floppy drives that runs as the 'front end'
for it and boots it.   The PDP-11 run an small OS RSX-11/S (I think -
but man those bit in my brain are long lost) and can reach in the SMI
to load the OS image into memory from the disk and then points the
system at it. The 750 and 730 have boot roms for he VAX itself that
know how to talk to the peripherals such as the TU58 .
IIRC, the TU58 controller is sitting on the UBA and I really don't
think the code in the PDP-11 knows how to get to them.   The path to
make that all would be a tad convoluted and I suspect no one bothered
to write for the TU58  it back in the day because everything for the
VAX was based on either the RX floppies, 9-track tape or the disk itself.
That said, in theory, a 750 should be able to create a disk image that
contains an OS that could be booted on a 750 and a 780.
What you might consider, is setting simh4.x up as a 750 and read those
tapes, set up the system and create RP06/07 or RM05/06 etc. disk
images.   Then reconfigure the simulator as a 780, and attach that
disk image.  Then use the standard 780 boot via the RX floppies and
the PDP-11, you should be all set.

Simh mailing list
Well, I followed this thread and just tried a part of it (booting
standalone Backup on  a 750 from TU58).

It started OK, but failed unexpectedly reading/processing the second S/A
backup TU58 image)

See below for details. my comments are between [ ]


**** VERSION **** sim> show version VAX 11/750 simulator V4.0-0 Current
Simulator Framework Capabilities: 64b data 64b addresses Threaded
Ethernet Packet transports:PCAP:TAP:NAT:UDP Idle/Throttling support is
available Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) support RAW disk and CD/DVD ROM
support Asynchronous I/O support (Lock free asynchronous event queue)
Asynchronous Clock support FrontPanel API Version 12 Host Platform:
Compiler: GCC 6.3.0 20170516 Simulator Compiled as C arch: ARM (Release
Build) on Mar 25 2018 at 09:12:36 Memory Access: Little Endian Memory
Pointer Size: 32 bits Large File (>2GB) support SDL Video support: No
Video Support PCRE RegEx support for EXPECT commands OS clock
resolution: 1ms Time taken by msleep(1): 1ms OS: Linux raspi3bp
4.14.29-v7+ #1101 SMP Thu Mar 22 17:27:30 GMT 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux git
commit id: ceb54e5f git commit time: 2018-03-23T15:25:59-07:00 ****
CONFIG **** set CPU 8M idle=VMS set DZ disabled set LPT disabled set RP2
disabled set RP3 disabled set RP4 disabled set RP5 disabled set RP6
disabled set RP7 disabled set RL disabled set HK disabled set RQ
disabled set RY disabled set TU disabled set TS disabled set TQ disabled
att TD0 /tu58/VAX750-CON01.TAP [note: this is a console tape image from
http://iamvirtual.ca/VAX11/VAX-11-software.html] att rp0
/vdisk/VMS030.rp6 [note: this i a test disk I generated previously, to
test booting] sho dev **** LOG from boot **** VAX 11/750 simulator
V4.0-0 Current git commit id: ceb54e5f vax750.ini-19> att TD0
/tu58/VAX750-CON01.TAP TD: buffering file in memory RP0:
'/vdisk/VMS030.rp6' Contains ODS2 File system RP0: Volume Name:
VAXVMSRL3 Format: DECFILE11B Sectors In Volume: 340670 VAX 11/750
simulator configuration CPU idle=VMS, idle enabled, model=VAX 11/750,
bootdev=A TLB2 units CMI MCTL nexus=0, address=F20000 UBA nexus=8,
address=F30000, autoconfiguration enabled MBA0 nexus=4, address=F28000
MBA1 disabled TODR TMR TTI TTO TC disabled TD TDC disabled DZ disabled
VH disabled CR disabled LPT disabled RP Massbus adapter 0, 8 units RL
disabled HK disabled RK disabled RQ disabled RQB disabled RQC disabled
RQD disabled RY disabled TU disabled TS disabled TQ disabled XU disabled
XUB disabled DMC disabled sim> b td0 Loading boot code from internal
vmb.exe Please remove the volume "750 console" from the console device.
Insert the first standalone system volume and enter "YES" when ready:
Simulation stopped, PC: 000054C8 (MFPR #20,R0) [Note: CTRL/E to switch
cartridges] sim> deta td0 TD: writing buffer to file sim> ! ls -l /tu58
totaal 3284 -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 262144 mrt 25 08:55 DECNET-VAX
FF-BE-X083A-BE.TAP -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 262144 mrt 25 08:56 DECNET-VAX
V4 FF-BE-DL08A-BE.TAP -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 262144 mrt 25 22:24
SABKUP_VMS4.0_1_3-BE-CT97A-BE.TAP -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 262144 mrt 25
08:54 SABKUP_VMS4.0_2_3-BE-CT98A-BE.TAP -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 262144
mrt 25 08:54 SABKUP_VMS4.0_3_3-BE-CT99A-BE.TAP -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root
262144 mrt 26 11:20 VAX750-CON01.TAP -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 262144 mrt
25 10:02 VAX750-CON02.TAP -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 262144 mrt 25 08:51
VAX750-CON03.TAP -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 262144 mrt 25 08:51
VAX750-CON04.TAP -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 262144 mrt 25 08:51
VAX750-CON05.TAP -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 262144 mrt 25 21:17 VMS BIN
BE-BL76A-BE.TAP [Note: these are all tape images from
http://iamvirtual.ca/VAX11/VAX-11-software.html] sim> att -e td0
/tu58/SABKUP_VMS4.0_1_3-BE-CT97A-BE.TAP TD: buffering file in memory [
sim> cont YES Resuming load operation on volume "SYSTEM_1", please stand
by . . . Please remove the volume "SYSTEM_1" from the console device.
Insert the next standalone system volume and enter "YES" when ready:
Simulation stopped, PC: 000089DB (BBC #7,R0,89D8) [Note: again CTRlE to
switch cartridges] sim> deta td0 TD: writing buffer to file sim> att -e
td0 /tu58/SABKUP_VMS4.0_2_3-BE-CT98A-BE.TAP TD: buffering file in memory
sim> cont YES Resuming load operation on volume "SYSTEM_2", please stand
by . . . VAX/VMS Version V4.0 15-SEP-1984 22:29 Cancel failed for
Afgebroken [Note: Dutch for Aborted] ***@raspi3bp /opt/simh-master $
Jordi Guillaumes Pons
2018-03-27 20:42:04 UTC
Jordi Guillaumes i Pons
A small suggestion... while you can probably get the 780 to recognize and support a TU58, booting from it may be difficult (I did not find it mentioned in any SDP or other doc). The 780 family has a dedicated PDP-11 with RX floppy drives that runs as the 'front end' for it and boots it. The PDP-11 run an small OS RSX-11/S (I think - but man those bit in my brain are long lost) and can reach in the SMI to load the OS image into memory from the disk and then points the system at it. The 750 and 730 have boot roms for he VAX itself that know how to talk to the peripherals such as the TU58 .

I’ve uploaded a RL02 image of a bootable VMS 4.7 Standalone backup. You can download it using this link:

https://drive.google.com/open?id=12USrZnqSRWelSKAWiHipyDs2qZRcuu9b <https://drive.google.com/open?id=12USrZnqSRWelSKAWiHipyDs2qZRcuu9b>

Please notice it is a RL02 image, while the vax780 simulator defaults to RL01. So to use it you will have to:

- Unzip it (obviously)

set rl0 rl02
attach rl0 stabackit.rl02
boot rl0

This should boot standalone backup and allow you to restore the 4.4 savesets.

If you want to go full realistic, once you’ve got 4.4 running, generate your own STABACKIT in the media format you prefer and then repeat the install :)

Have fun!
Ethan Dicks
2018-03-28 15:25:06 UTC
If you want to go full realistic, once you’ve got 4.4 running, generate
your own STABACKIT in the media format you prefer and then repeat the
install :)
Hmm, but then you depend on your provided disk. It would be nice if you
could bootstrap it with only the VMS 4.4 tape and the Stand alone back-up
tapes. I think that is the procedure in the old VAX install manual?
The procedure in the manual was to boot Standalone Backup via whatever
console medium your machine had. When you got an OS update
subscription, you paid for the media that fit your machine. Where I
worked in the 80s and 90s, we got our VMS on 1600 bpi magtape with
Standalone Backup on TU58s for our 11/750 and 11/730, and we got
MicroVMS on RX50 diskette (uVAX-I) and TK50 (uVAX-II). The 11/780
typically got SABACKUP on RX01 disks, IIRC. The 8600 got it on RL02

The trick is, once you got any machine running a certain version of
VMS, you could always generate your own Standalone Backup kit on an
type of media that machine could write, console or not. Our 11/750
could write TU58s, RL02s, and RX50s (we had an RUX50, an uncommon
device, but we needed it to send updates to our own customers). You
could even designate a directory on a bootable disk (commonly "SYSE")
because you wanted to backup a quiesced machine but didn't want to
have to swap console media out to get to the backup prompt (with real
TU58s and even floppies, it takes a while to boot SABACKUP, vs seconds
if it's on your boot disk).

Here's some information on using and copying Standalone Backup


If you mean by "Stand alone back-up tapes" the TU58 images in this
thread, that will only work for specific models of VAX (11/725,
11/730, 11/750) not all models. There is no one SABACKUPKIT that
works on all models and there never can be. The consoles are
different between related models.

Clem Cole
2018-03-29 17:52:09 UTC
Post by Clem Cole
A small suggestion... while you can probably get the 780 to recognize
and support a TU58, booting from it may be difficult (I did not find it
mentioned in any SDP or other doc).
In another post I gave a link which suggested that it could be present.
​Yeah, Mark has it in the simh configuration. But be careful, there are
lots of the things you can do with the simulator that was never done in
real life. Also there may be 'latent' support in the OS for some things.
For instance, Tru64 will boot and operate just fine with an Adaptec SCSI
controller ​in it. That actually the configuration I ran in my office at
DEC, but it is not official in the 'Software Product Description' (*a.k.a.*
SPD) because it will screw up (in that case an Adaptec can not support
fail-over so it was only officially support on Alpha/NT systems - but we
ran engineering systems with them all the time).

So you need to check the SPD for the specific release. That will tell you
what DEC tested and supported in the field. Anything else, you are in the
ocean without a life preserver -- you can swim and you might be safe, but
don't bank on it either.
The 780 family has a dedicated PDP-11 with RX floppy drives that runs as
Post by Clem Cole
the 'front end' for it and boots it. The PDP-11 run an small OS RSX-11/S (I
think - but man those bit in my brain are long
lost) and can reach in the SMI to load the OS image into memory
from the disk and then points the system at it.
I searched what the TU58 exactly was and found [1]. They say it could be
used to bootstrap the RT-11 [2] operating system on a PDP-11. That seems
to be the one :-)
​Could be - as I said, those bits in my brain have long ago rotted. The
780 and the KL10 both had a PDP-11 spliced into them to boot them up as a
front end. The system console (which was typically a DECwritter-II) is
connect to a DL-11 on the PDP-11. When typing to something on the main
computer the local OS on the front-end reads the uart on the DL-11 and
passes the characters to/from the host. I thought I remembered that it
was a modified RSX-11 called RSX-11S that ran on the front-end, but I could
be confusing with another application.

The key point for you is that the 780 when it turns on is a bunch of hot
rocks. It needs to have its microcode loaded before it can do anything,
as its microcode is stored in ram, not rom. The system microcode lives on
the floppy disk in the front-end​. Once the microcode is loaded, a vax
bootstrap can begin.

As a cost reduction on the 750, Dave Cane (HW design lead) developed it
without PDP-11 front-end (which was probably a marketing requirement).
I've forgotten the complete sequence, since the 750 also had microstore.
IIRC: the front panel on the 750 (and the 11/34 and few other systems) is
an microprocessor. The 11/34 used a i8008. I think the 750 its was an
i8085, but I do not remember. I think one thing is does is load the
microcode, but that's stored in the micro's rom's not on a floppy like the
780 and KL10. But the microcode might be in ROM, I just don't remember
(I'll ask Dave if he does next time I see him).

The TU58 and the DECwriter might actually be directly connected to the
microprocessor, but again I've forgotten the details (look at the prints),
but there is some way they are available to the Vax directly, which is a
difference than the 780.

The point being that the TU58 driver in the host OS has to know how to
interface to the device. Again IIRC, the HW design of the the TU58, as you
noted is an RS-232C serial device (basically predated the current USB idea
by about 25-30 years).
In another post the same was suggested. However I only found three TU58
tape files with the standalone backup 4.0.
However, I bet they that was only tested on a 750 and only on specific
configs as defined in the SPD.

The trick if you are really trying to be period relevant is get a copy of
the SPD and make sure vax750.ini file you create is actually one that
defines hardware that was tested and released for that version of the OS.

Anything else, might work, but you could be running into a number of ways
that things are almost but not quite.

If you can find something like Will Senn's Installing and Using Research
Unix Version 7 In the SimH PDP-11/45 and 11/70
<https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1_Jn6Hlzym-Zmx1TjR3TENDQTA/view> for VMS
and the 750 and 780, I think you'll find like Will did, that he needed to
have a tape.ini file (which is on page 4 of his document) that was exactly
what Ken and Dennis described in their release. The same will be true for
the Vax and VMS.

FWIW: If you are asking questions, please list as Will does, the foo.ini
files you are using at each step when you ask more questions. Make it
clear exactly how you have configured things - I personally have not been
able to easily parse some of your messages.

If the bits you are using are not somehow corrupted, the system needs to be
configured as VMS expected it with only the HW devices and versions/models
of those devices that were supported by VMS at that time.

Best wishes
Johnny Billquist
2018-03-29 21:17:00 UTC
Clem, never found time to comment earlier, but a couple comments below
as well. Both on your comments, and others.
Post by Clem Cole
A small suggestion...   while you can probably get the 780
to recognize and support a TU58, booting from it may be
difficult (I did not find it mentioned in any SDP or other doc).
I would say it's impossible. But see more below.
Post by Clem Cole
In another post I gave a link which suggested that it could be present.
Making assumptions on booting a VAX, based on how you boot a PDP-11 are
not a good idea.
Post by Clem Cole
​Yeah, Mark has it in the simh configuration.  But be careful, there are
lots of the things you can do with the simulator that was never done in
real life.   Also there may be 'latent' support in the OS for some
things.  For instance, Tru64 will boot and operate just fine with an
Adaptec SCSI controller ​in it.   That actually the configuration I ran
in my office at DEC, but it is not official in the 'Software Product
Description' (/a.k.a./ SPD)  because it will screw up (in that case an
Adaptec can not support fail-over so it was only officially support on
Alpha/NT systems - but we ran engineering systems with them all the time).
So you need to check the SPD for the specific release.  That will tell
you what DEC tested and supported in the field.  Anything else, you are
in the ocean without a life preserver -- you can swim and you might be
safe, but don't bank on it either.
Right. And generally, unless people know pretty well what they are
doing, and knows a lot of the implications, and how things work under
the hood, they should not try and do things in ways that DEC didn't
design it for back in the day.

A most typical example is what was done here. Trying to boot a machine
looking like a VAX-11/780 from a TU58 just is *not* something people
should do, unless they enjoys exploring what is going on under the hood.
It is not supported, was not possible on the real hardware, and no
procedures would ever expect this kind of a scenario.
Post by Clem Cole
The 780 family has a dedicated PDP-11 with RX floppy drives
that runs as the 'front end' for it and boots it. The PDP-11
run an small OS RSX-11/S (I think - but man those bit in my
brain are long
lost) and can reach in the SMI to load the OS image into memory
from the disk and then points the system at it.
I searched what the TU58 exactly was and found [1]. They say it could be
used to bootstrap the RT-11 [2] operating system on a PDP-11. That seems
to be the one :-)
​Could be - as I said, those bits in my brain have long ago rotted.
Unless I remember wrong, the FE of the 11/780 does not even run RT-11.
It runs a simple, dedicated system just playing frontend. Finding a site
that explains how too boot RT-11 on a PDP-11 from a TU58 will, somewhat,
explain the steps for how you boot a PDP-11 using a TU58 in general, but
it has very little point when we talk about booting a VAX-11/780. Yes,
there is a PDP-11 in the front end, but booting the VAX consists of more
things than just getting the PDP-11 running.
It is just crazy to try and go with a TU58 if you have a VAX-11/780
(simulated or not). The proper and correct media is RX01, and that does
not become less try just because the machine is simulated. The RX01 and
TU58 are not interchangeable, even though they fulfill the same purpose.
Post by Clem Cole
 The 780 and the KL10 both had a PDP-11 spliced into them to boot them
up as a front end.   The system console (which was typically a
DECwritter-II) is connect to a DL-11 on the PDP-11.   When typing to
something on the main computer the local OS on the front-end reads the
uart on the DL-11 and passes the characters to/from the host.    I
thought I remembered that it was a modified RSX-11 called RSX-11S that
ran on the front-end, but I could be confusing with another application.
The 11/780 have a T11 as the front end. The KL10 uses a PDP-11/40, while
the 8600 uses an F11. (Some other VAX models used a Professional, which
was a PDP-11 in a PC format, which I'm you know, Clem.) Usually you
actually had a DECwriter III, but that is just a nitpick.

The VAX-11/780, as I said, runs a rather dedicated system. I think that
one RX01 is a bit too small to even have something close to a reasonable
RT-11 system on it. Thus, if you want to run diagnostics from the FE,
which I think is running in a more RT-11 like environment, you need to
boot from a different RX01, and the system actually consists of several
diskettes. But it's been so long since I touched an 11/780 that I might
just misremember some details as well.
The KL10 front end (the PDP-11/40) actually runs something called
RSX-20F, which is a kind of bastardized RSX-11D, with some bits of
RSX-11M thrown in. It runs without any MMU, and is a bit familiar, but
also a bit weird, if you know RSX. The 11/40 can boot from RX02, or a
shared RP06 (shared with the KL10).
The F11 of the VAX 8600 runs normal RT-11, booting from an RL02.

The connection between the FE and the main CPU have some differences,
but basically yes, the console communication works like you say. On the
KL10, you normally have all serial terminals going through the FE, while
on the VAXen, other serial lines are connected directly to the VAX cpu.

FE storage also usually runs through the PDP-11 on the VAXen, but on a
KL10, FE storage is using a dual path disk, to which both CPUs have access.
Post by Clem Cole
The key point for you is that the 780 when it turns on is a bunch of hot
rocks.   It needs to have its microcode loaded before it can do
anything, as its microcode is stored in ram, not rom.  The system
microcode lives on the floppy disk in the front-end​.   Once the
microcode is loaded, a vax bootstrap can begin.
I'm trying to remember if the microcode really was loaded from disk on
the 11/780, but you might be right. For the 11/750 this is definitely
not the case, and for the 8600 this definitely is the case. So it
depends on the model.
Post by Clem Cole
As a cost reduction on the 750, Dave Cane (HW design lead) developed it
without PDP-11 front-end (which was probably a marketing requirement).
 I've forgotten the complete sequence, since the 750 also had
microstore.  IIRC: the front panel on the 750 (and the 11/34 and few
other systems) is an microprocessor.   The 11/34 used a i8008.   I think
the 750 its was an i8085, but I do not remember.   I think one thing is
does is load the microcode, but that's stored in the micro's rom's not
on a floppy like the 780 and KL10.  But the microcode might be in ROM, I
just don't remember  (I'll ask Dave if he does next time I see him).
The 11/750 uses the 8085 as far as I can remember as well. (And so does
the KS10 if I remember right.)
The microcode on the 11/750 however is in rom. So there is no need for
any front end TU58 media in order to boot a VAX-11/750.
However, the 11/750 CPU have some ram for microcode as well, and the ram
can overlay rom addresses, allowing you to patch the microcode of the
CPU on the running system.
Both VMS and various Unixes does this, to fix some bugs in the
microcode. NetBSD still ships the microcode patch in the distribution.

The booting then, of the 11/750 is done through boot roms that needs to
be installed in the CPU. You can have four different boot roms
installed, and you select which one to use through a rotary switch on
the face of the 11/750. 11/750 booting is very primitive compared to the
11/780. The boot rom have enough code to read in the first block from a
device, and then jump in there, where booting continues. So the 11/750
was an odd exception in the early VMS history in that it was the only
machine that required a boot block. (Well, the 11/730 and 11/725 might
be in that same group). All other early systems used VMB to boot VMS,
and VMB was stored on the FE storage, and read into memory by the front
end, and then started. VMB in turn understood the VMS file structure,
and continued by setting up the system, reading in the OS image, and
kicking off the rest of the boot procedure.

Booting the standalone backup could be done through VMB, if I remember
right, but the front end also had a more straight forward way of just
loeading VMB in and kicking it off, which is used when booting from the
front end storage, which is how you got the initially bootstrapping off
the ground on the machines.

MicroVAXen use a method much like the 11/750, and later larger VAXen
usually have VMB in rom.
Post by Clem Cole
The TU58 and the DECwriter might actually be directly connected to the
microprocessor, but again I've forgotten the details (look at the
prints), but there is some way they are available to the Vax directly,
which is a difference than the 780.
Yes, they are connected to the microprocessor. Diagnostics and things
are done through there. But the microprocessor makes these devices
available very transparently to the VAX as well. But are just on serial
ports, so they are very simple. (Talking about the 11/750 here.)

The serial port as such is accessed the same way on both the 11/750 and
11/780. There are some cpu internal registers that are architecture
dependent, that implements the console. The FE have different registers,
and different functions, if we talk about the TU58 on the 11/750
compared to the RX01 of the 11/780.
Post by Clem Cole
The point being that the TU58 driver in the host OS has to know how to
interface to the device.  Again IIRC, the HW design of the the TU58, as
you noted is an RS-232C serial device (basically predated the current
USB idea by about 25-30 years).
Post by Clem Cole
In another post the same was suggested. However I only found three TU58
tape files with the standalone backup 4.0.
However, I bet they that was only tested on a 750 and only on specific
configs as defined in the SPD.
They essentially have no chance of working on an 11/780. Even if you
have a TU58 connected to a 11/780, it will not be connected in a way
that would be compatible with how it is connected on an 11/750. So as
soon as the code read in from the TU58 used for 11/750 bootstrap tries
to access any more data from the TU58, it will be trying to talk to
nonexistent CPU registers on the 11/780, unless the bootstrap code is
clever enough to try and detect what hardware it is running on, and have
provisions to work out where the storage is on some other model, which
in itself is also a very complex thing to try and figure out.
Post by Clem Cole
The trick if you are really trying to be period relevant is get a copy
of the SPD and make sure vax750.ini file you create is actually one that
defines hardware that was tested and released for that version of the OS.
Post by Clem Cole
Anything else, might work, but you could be running into a number of
ways that things are almost but not quite.
High chances that it won't even work, especially if you talk about the
early stages like the initial booting, and the different devices.
Post by Clem Cole
If you can find something like Will Senn's Installing and Using Research
Unix Version 7 In the SimH PDP-11/45 and 11/70
<https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1_Jn6Hlzym-Zmx1TjR3TENDQTA/view> for
VMS and the 750 and 780, I think you'll find like Will did, that he
needed to have a tape.ini file (which is on page 4 of his document) that
was exactly what Ken and Dennis described in their release.   The same
will be true for the Vax and VMS.
One problem is that VMS was not intended, or designed to be bootable
from tape back in the day. Later in life, this had to change, with the
MicroVAXen with only TK50 for distribution. (But it is still not
possible on the early machines. There you still need the standalone
backup on a bootable media, which means RX01 for the VAX-11/78x, TU58
for the VAX-11/750, VAX-11/730 and VAX-11/725, and an RL02 for the VAX86x0.)

Back when it was designed, it was always the case that you had some kind
of mass storage of the front end, on which you already had standalone
backup available, and you were always supposed to boot that, and then do
a restore of the distribution tape. So any VMS tapes one might have, are
not bootable!

This whole design also led to some pains for Unix, since there was no
easy way to bootstrap Unix with the tools and ideas that DEC provided
with the VAXen. Unix expected the machine to be able to boot from tape.
So you can find old Unix manuals and documentations pertaining to
bootstrapping and installation, which will explain how to boot from tape
on the different VAXens, by depositing a bootstrap into memory by hand.
I certainly typed it in multiple times for a VAX 8650 from the MtXinu
manual back a long time ago.
Post by Clem Cole
FWIW: If you are asking questions, please list as Will does, the foo.ini
files you are using at each step when you ask more questions.   Make it
clear exactly how you have configured things - I personally have not
been able to easily parse some of your messages.
Agreed. I also almost decided to just ignore the posts because of the
problem understanding what was being done, not to mention trying to do
things which more or less was obviously wrong anyway.
Post by Clem Cole
If the bits you are using are not somehow corrupted, the system needs to
be configured as VMS expected it with only the HW devices and
versions/models of those devices that were supported by VMS at that time.

And, having written all of this, I'm still wondering if I misremember
and the 11/780 had an RX02, and not an RX01...?

Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: ***@softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
Tim Stark
2018-03-23 15:55:18 UTC
Hmm. I heard about info-vax mailing lists some time ago. I did not know that mailing list still exists. I submitted subscription to info-vax. Thanks for let me know.


From: Simh <simh-***@trailing-edge.com> On Behalf Of Clem Cole
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 11:13 AM
To: Henk van de Kamer <***@vandekamer.com>
Cc: SIMH <***@trailing-edge.com>
Subject: Re: [Simh] Install VAX/VMS 4.4 on a simulated VAX-11/780

Before you go too much farther, I would recommend that you get the latest version of simh: https://github.com/simh/simh

A great deal has changed since simh 3 and you are likely to run into few issues.

Once you have that working, I would suggest you search the archives of the info-vax mailing lists: <http://rbnsn.com/pipermail/info-vax_rbnsn.com/> Info-vax Archives and maybe subscribe to their mailing list <http://rbnsn.com/mailman/listinfo/info-vax_rbnsn.com> http://rbnsn.com/mailman/listinfo/info-vax_rbnsn.com

Best wishes,

Clem Cole

<https://mailfoogae.appspot.com/t?sender=aY2xlbWNAY2NjLmNvbQ%3D%3D&type=zerocontent&guid=ef992581-6c55-4368-a7a4-854ee42e558d> ᐧ
2018-03-23 16:15:15 UTC
If this is just for a one shot deal, it might be a lot easier to talk someone else into letting you into their VAX instead of dealing with all of this. After installing VMS, which is harder for the older versions, you will still need to install pascal. If this is for a longer term project, then having your own is better.

rom my Galaxy Tab® A
-------- Original message --------From: Henk van de Kamer <***@vandekamer.com> Date: 3/23/18 8:45 AM (GMT-07:00) To: ***@trailing-edge.com Subject: [Simh] Install VAX/VMS 4.4 on a simulated VAX-11/780

I'm new to this list, so forgive me if I do things wrong...

For an article about the history of prompts I want to make screendumps
of all systems I worked on. In 1986 (may be 1987) I learned Pascal on
the VAX-11/785 (I think) on the university.

So two days ago I started a journey to install VAX/VMS 4.4 -- because
that is the most probable version used -- on a VAX-11/780 using the Simh
emulator under Debian Stretch. That was the first problem because the
man page of the vax780 command said that ka655.bin was not included. I
found the ka655x.bin in the Simh git. Later I discovered that the man
page is probably wrong and I must use vmb.exe instead.

After searching I found the bb-bt05c-be tape [1] which contains DEC
VAX/VMS V4.4 BIN 16MT9 (C)1986 [2]. After a lot of trial, problems and
searching I finally discovered that I need the Standalone Backup and a
procedure for v3.0 [3]. Another searched and I got three tapes [4]:


I adapted the given ini to the following -- the complete ini with the
same adaptions don't give any difference:

load vmb.exe
set rp0 rp06
set rp1 rp06
attach rp0 stb40.rp6
set console log=logs/vms44.log

Then the procedure:

***@obelix:~/vax$ vax780 vax780.ini

VAX780 simulator V3.8-1
Overwrite last track? [N]
Logging to file "logs/vms44.log"
sim> boot rp1
Loading boot code from vmb.exe

Simulation stopped, PC: 00000E8D (BITL #1000,4(R7))
sim> attach ts bb-bt05c-be.tap
sim> cont

And there it hangs. I downloaded the v3.0 tape used in the example, but
that results in the same.

The above looks the most promising of all examples I tried. Most used
options which didn't work or crashed the emulator. Can someone point me
in the right direction to install the operating system. Thanks for any help.

[1] ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/cm/dec/vax/sw/magtapes/
[4] http://iamvirtual.ca/VAX11/VAX-11-software.html
Henk van de Kamer