[Simh] PDP for beginners
Pär Moberg
2018-02-03 02:25:35 UTC
I am looking to put up a PDP-# machine to play with. What machine and
OS should I use. I am looking for simple/beginner system, or as
beginner it got. Also, not *nix, it is still alive and therefore
Telnet terminals would be awesome but not necessary.
//Pär (or Paer)
Jordi Guillaumes i Pons
2018-02-03 10:44:05 UTC
Post by Pär Moberg
I am looking to put up a PDP-# machine to play with. What machine and
OS should I use. I am looking for simple/beginner system, or as
beginner it got. Also, not *nix, it is still alive and therefore
Telnet terminals would be awesome but not necessary.
Go for a PDP-11 running RT-11
Post by Pär Moberg
//Pär (or Paer)
Simh mailing list
Dave Wade
2018-02-03 11:41:38 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 03 February 2018 02:26
Subject: [Simh] PDP for beginners
I am looking to put up a PDP-# machine to play with. What machine and OS
should I use. I am looking for simple/beginner system, or as beginner it got.
I think I would start with a PDP-8. NO telnet terminal. Simple OS, lots of software and support. If you want blinken lights try one of these:-


its SIMH with a nice panel
Also, not *nix, it is still alive and therefore boring.
Telnet terminals would be awesome but not necessary.
//Pär (or Paer)
Simh mailing list
Bob Eager
2018-02-03 12:00:55 UTC
On Sat, 3 Feb 2018 11:41:38 -0000
Post by Dave Wade
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 03 February 2018 02:26
Subject: [Simh] PDP for beginners
I am looking to put up a PDP-# machine to play with. What machine
and OS should I use. I am looking for simple/beginner system, or as
beginner it got.
I think I would start with a PDP-8. NO telnet terminal. Simple OS,
lots of software and support. If you want blinken lights try one of
its SIMH with a nice panel
I was going to suggest the same thing. Be warned that there's quite a
lot of soldering in a PiDP-8 - although not as much as an SBC-6120! (I
have both)
Pär Moberg
2018-02-03 13:12:29 UTC
Post by Bob Eager
On Sat, 3 Feb 2018 11:41:38 -0000
Post by Dave Wade
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 03 February 2018 02:26
Subject: [Simh] PDP for beginners
I am looking to put up a PDP-# machine to play with. What machine
and OS should I use. I am looking for simple/beginner system, or as
beginner it got.
I think I would start with a PDP-8. NO telnet terminal. Simple OS,
lots of software and support. If you want blinken lights try one of
its SIMH with a nice panel
I was going to suggest the same thing. Be warned that there's quite a
lot of soldering in a PiDP-8 - although not as much as an SBC-6120! (I
have both)
Why I want terminal support is so I can use some of my old clunkers as
terminals and access the server from different places in the house.
Johnny Billquist
2018-02-03 20:45:59 UTC
Post by Pär Moberg
Post by Bob Eager
On Sat, 3 Feb 2018 11:41:38 -0000
Post by Dave Wade
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 03 February 2018 02:26
Subject: [Simh] PDP for beginners
I am looking to put up a PDP-# machine to play with. What machine
and OS should I use. I am looking for simple/beginner system, or as
beginner it got.
I think I would start with a PDP-8. NO telnet terminal. Simple OS,
lots of software and support. If you want blinken lights try one of
its SIMH with a nice panel
I was going to suggest the same thing. Be warned that there's quite a
lot of soldering in a PiDP-8 - although not as much as an SBC-6120! (I
have both)
Why I want terminal support is so I can use some of my old clunkers as
terminals and access the server from different places in the house.
That would almost imply that you are looking for some multiuser system,
where you can have several terminals logged in at the same time?

So that would, for most purposes, exclude the PDP-8, and suggest either
a PDP-10, PDP-11 or VAX. And not running RT-11 on a PDP-11.

Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: ***@softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
Clem Cole
2018-02-03 22:01:51 UTC
Post by Pär Moberg
Post by Bob Eager
On Sat, 3 Feb 2018 11:41:38 -0000
Post by Dave Wade
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 03 February 2018 02:26
Subject: [Simh] PDP for beginners
I am looking to put up a PDP-# machine to play with. What machine
and OS should I use. I am looking for simple/beginner system, or as
beginner it got.
I think I would start with a PDP-8. NO telnet terminal. Simple OS,
lots of software and support. If you want blinken lights try one of
its SIMH with a nice panel
I was going to suggest the same thing. Be warned that there's quite a
lot of soldering in a PiDP-8 - although not as much as an SBC-6120! (I
have both)
Why I want terminal support is so I can use some of my old clunkers as
terminals and access the server from different places in the house.
​Like others the PDP-8 is definitely were I would start because there is so
much around for it, from single user, batch and timesharing systems.
Google is you friend of
​, a couple of interesting URLs are:
Bitsavers's PDP-8 Download

PDP-8 Handbooks <http://bitsavers.trailing-edge.com/pdf/dec/pdp8/handbooks/>
PDP-8 Net <http://www.pdp8.net/index.shtml​,>.
[BTW: do not pass go .... down load the PDP-8 users handbook to start

There are also a number of different simulators to work with. But there
are some caveats that have been discussed (more in the minute). I too have
a PiDP-8 and I have it connected to serial ports on the RPi to drive
physical connections, but you can use the telnet stuff from simh described

That said -- as much as I love Bob Supnik and Mark Pizzolato's
wonderful simulation system (particularly if you want to talk to 'real
hardware'), if you want to to learn a but more about the PDP-8 itself, I
might recommend you also consider Berhbard Baehr's amazing PDP-8/e
simulator for the Mac: A PDP-8/E Simulator for the Apple Macintosh
<http://www.bernhard-baehr.de/pdp8e/pdp8e.html>. A know a of a couple of
excellent CS Departments that use this emulation to teach their students in
their intro to architecture class because it gives also exposes some more
modern debugging schemes and thus is easier to get a handle on what is
going on 'inside.' From the web page:

The simulated machine is a PDP-8/E with 4K words of memory and optionally a
KM8-E Memory Extension (with up to 32K words of memory) and a KE8-E
Extended Arithmetic Element. I/O devices are implemented as plugin modules,
and plugins for an ASR 33 Console Teletype, an ASR 33 Auxiliary Teletype, a
PC8-E High Speed Paper Tape Reader and Punch, and a RK8-E Disk Cartridge
System are available.

There is also a KC8-EA Programmer's Console plugin enabling the user to
operate the simulator (nearly) like a hardware PDP-8/E, including single
step execution on memory cycle level.

​As other have pointed out OS/8​ is out there which like the later DOS/11
and RT-11 which we modeled on it, is basically single user. But there is
also TSS/8, ETOS and I think a few other
​user ​systems for the 8. But I would recommend starting with DOS/8. I
used's OS/8 and TSS/8 'back-in-the-day.'

That said, if you do want to mess with these with real hardware such as
PiDP-8, there is an interesting feature/bug that is annoying when working
with the DOS/8 (or TSS/8) under emulation on a real-terminal (on an XTERM
or the like this is less of an issue). It's how the hardware works and how
^S/^Q flow control is implemented in the old systems. The problem is
that the way the OS works for terminal output is that spins on a read bit
from the UART before it writes the next character. This is done at the
lowest level of the OS. In the old days, even at the 'slow' 10cps of an
ASR-33, the truth is the simulated hardware will push the next chars out
faster than you the human can respond. The ^S you will send back to the
emulated system will be seen much, much later that it would have been in
the real HW. [The solution is we need to change simh to not set the ready
bit until a real time amount of 10 cps for 110 baud or 960 cps for 9600
baud - but this is very hard to do and in practice, not needed because we
mostly use simulated TTY today]. i.e.
​If you are one a simulated TTY such as xterm, there is enough buffering in
the xterm
​ software emulation to not 'lose' character and then it adds
the ability to 'scroll back
​ B​
ut on a real display of the day, you might out of luck
​ (i.e. when I connect even as modern a terminal as an Heathkit H19 or
a Wyse-60​)

​Best of luck,

Mike Markowski
2018-02-03 15:26:57 UTC
Post by Dave Wade
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 03 February 2018 02:26
Subject: [Simh] PDP for beginners
I am looking to put up a PDP-# machine to play with. What machine and OS
should I use. I am looking for simple/beginner system, or as beginner it got.
I think I would start with a PDP-8. NO telnet terminal. Simple OS, lots of software and support. If you want blinken lights try one of these:-
its SIMH with a nice panel
Also, not *nix, it is still alive and therefore boring.
Telnet terminals would be awesome but not necessary.
//Pär (or Paer)
Here some step by step pics of mine as I built it that will give you an
idea of the effort involved. If you've ever built a kit, you'll find
this is a piece of cake and a fantastic retro front end for your R-Pi!


Have fun,
Mike Markowski
Zane Healy
2018-02-04 01:11:39 UTC
Post by Pär Moberg
I am looking to put up a PDP-# machine to play with. What machine and
OS should I use. I am looking for simple/beginner system, or as
beginner it got. Also, not *nix, it is still alive and therefore
Telnet terminals would be awesome but not necessary.
//Pär (or Paer)
Reading this, I assume you’re looking to use SIMH, and not real hardware, but I’m honestly not 100% sure.

I totally understand your UNIX comment.

System and OS’s options that come to my mind are the following.


RSX-11M or M+

There was talk of a Hobbyist License for TSX-Plus, which runs on top of RT-11, but I’m not sure if that happened or not.

While it’s not a PDP system, realistically, from a “simple/beginner” standpoint, VAX/VMS would be a good option. There is a great webpage out there on installing it, which means the hardest thing to do is to get registered for a Hobbyist License.

Pär Moberg
2018-02-04 02:56:36 UTC
Post by Zane Healy
Post by Pär Moberg
I am looking to put up a PDP-# machine to play with. What machine and
OS should I use. I am looking for simple/beginner system, or as
beginner it got. Also, not *nix, it is still alive and therefore
Telnet terminals would be awesome but not necessary.
//Pär (or Paer)
Reading this, I assume you’re looking to use SIMH, and not real hardware,
but I’m honestly not 100% sure.
I totally understand your UNIX comment.
System and OS’s options that come to my mind are the following.
RSX-11M or M+
There was talk of a Hobbyist License for TSX-Plus, which runs on top of
RT-11, but I’m not sure if that happened or not.
While it’s not a PDP system, realistically, from a “simple/beginner”
standpoint, VAX/VMS would be a good option. There is a great webpage out
there on installing it, which means the hardest thing to do is to get
registered for a Hobbyist License.
Yes, I am looking to use simh and a pi zero (w)
Ps. the Chromecast Ethernet/power adapter works with the Zero for both
power and Ethernet.
Don North
2018-02-04 05:33:16 UTC
looking to put up a PDP-# machine to play with. What machine and OS should I
use. I am looking for simple/beginner system, or as beginner it got. Also,
not *nix, it is still alive and therefore boring. Telnet terminals would be
awesome but not necessary. //PÀr (or Paer)
Reading this, I assume you’re looking to use SIMH, and not real hardware, but
I’m honestly not 100% sure. I totally understand your UNIX comment. System and
OS’s options that come to my mind are the following. PDP-10: TOPS-10 TOPS-20
ITS PDP-11: RSTS/E RSX-11M or M+ TSX-plus There was talk of a Hobbyist License
for TSX-Plus, which runs on top of RT-11, but I’m not sure if that happened or
not. While it’s not a PDP system, realistically, from a “simple/beginner”
standpoint, VAX/VMS would be a good option. There is a great webpage out there
on installing it, which means the hardest thing to do is to get registered for
a Hobbyist License.
Just plain RT-11 would be the easiest to start with on PDP-11 SIMH. That is
about as beginner as it gets.

