[Simh] Remote Console and Telnet Terminals
Pär Moberg
2018-02-03 14:11:11 UTC
I am trying setup remote console and telnet terminals but it only
shows up as ipv6 ports and not ipv4 ports.
I will telnet in using old systems that only have ipv4.
David Wijnants
2018-02-03 15:08:16 UTC
If you're using the PDP11 emulator, try attaching the dz device without the
-ma option. That fixed it for me.

Post by Pär Moberg
I am trying setup remote console and telnet terminals but it only
shows up as ipv6 ports and not ipv4 ports.
I will telnet in using old systems that only have ipv4.
Simh mailing list
Mark Pizzolato
2018-02-03 15:09:36 UTC
I am trying setup remote console and telnet terminals but it only shows up as
ipv6 ports and not ipv4 ports.
I will telnet in using old systems that only have ipv4.
Please provide some details about exactly what you tried and precisely what actually happened, and precisely how you determined what you are thinking happened.
David Wijnants
2018-02-03 19:06:00 UTC
Actually, on my machine netstat(8) only shows a tcp6 socket in LISTEN state
(there is no corresponding LISTEN).

Nevertheless, telnet connects just fine. While connected, I can see my
tcp/ipv4 [telnet] socket in ESTABLISHED state, and tcp6 socket that
connects the two.

Post by Mark Pizzolato
I am trying setup remote console and telnet terminals but it only shows
up as
ipv6 ports and not ipv4 ports.
I will telnet in using old systems that only have ipv4.
Please provide some details about exactly what you tried and precisely
what actually happened, and precisely how you determined what you are
thinking happened.
Simh mailing list
Pär Moberg
2018-02-03 22:43:08 UTC
My problem is solved, by doing nothing.
The ports shows up as ipv6 but I can connect to it over ipv4 it seems.
Post by David Wijnants
Actually, on my machine netstat(8) only shows a tcp6 socket in LISTEN state
(there is no corresponding LISTEN).
Nevertheless, telnet connects just fine. While connected, I can see my
tcp/ipv4 [telnet] socket in ESTABLISHED state, and tcp6 socket that
connects the two.
Post by Mark Pizzolato
I am trying setup remote console and telnet terminals but it only shows
up as
ipv6 ports and not ipv4 ports.
I will telnet in using old systems that only have ipv4.
Please provide some details about exactly what you tried and precisely
what actually happened, and precisely how you determined what you are
thinking happened.
Simh mailing list