[Simh] PDP-10 simulation: DEUNA support help needed
Cory Smelosky
2015-04-26 07:31:08 UTC

I'm (attempting) to get DEUNA support operating in the KS10 simulation
(likely incorrectly).

I'm running in to some TOPS-10 issues assembling a monitor...does anyone
have a pre-genned TOPS-10 disk set up for DECnet on a KS10 with ethernet I
can use to test...if I even get that far?

Current status:
* Shows up in SHOW DEV
* Has a vector
* Links correctly
* Can be enabled and attach to a host device

...and that's about all I have managed. Doesn't have an actual UNIBUS
address which is a LITTLE BIT OF AN ISSUE.
Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects
Timothe Litt
2015-04-26 10:31:47 UTC
Although I started to write a TOPS-10 DEUNA driver as a midnight
project, I never finished it. So far as I know no one else did,
although the configuration support did find its way into the monitor.
Sadly, there were (and are) only so many midnights, but the supply of
projects is infinite.

DECnet-10 supports ethernet on the KL, but the code for broadcast
devices (ethernet) is not conditionally assembled. So in theory, it
should be possible to write a (or complete my) driver. That's on my
list of projects - unfortunately, quite far down the list. It would be
very nice to have. Note also that there is code to support ANF-10 over
ethernet; that also needs to be hooked in. Besides the driver proper,
there are also tables that should be setup for NML. The KDP/DMR didn't
- but they have out-of-band monitoring and are much simpler to debug.

SimH provides the hardware, but obviously that has never been tested.
As it works on the PDP-11/VAX, I don't expect issues on the -10. You
should be able to set an address via SimH - for the real hardware, I
picked something convenient (but I don't remember what it is). The -10
doesn't autoconfigure its Unibus (although SimH has code to do so); all
addresses are fixed. You'd put the address assignment (on UBA3) in
pdp10_defs.h & see that it finds its way to the DIB - see auto_tab in
pdp10_ksio.c. Or just use set address.

The bottom line is that any support that you see in the monitor is
illusory; either you wait for real support to find its way up to the top
of my (or someone else's) project list, or take it on yourself :-)


P.S. Before someone asks: TOPS-20 never had DEUNA support, and I never
started that project. Early DECnet Phase IV development was on
TOPS-20. It did use a 3COM ethernet board on the KS (this before DEUNA
was available & long before the KLNIA). That driver was discarded
before the first TOPS-20 release of Phase IV, as the -20 group decided
not to support the KS. There was never a -20 DEUNA driver.

This communication may not represent my employer's views,
if any, on the matters discussed.
Post by Cory Smelosky
I'm (attempting) to get DEUNA support operating in the KS10 simulation
(likely incorrectly).
I'm running in to some TOPS-10 issues assembling a monitor...does
anyone have a pre-genned TOPS-10 disk set up for DECnet on a KS10 with
ethernet I can use to test...if I even get that far?
* Shows up in SHOW DEV
* Has a vector
* Links correctly
* Can be enabled and attach to a host device
...and that's about all I have managed. Doesn't have an actual UNIBUS
address which is a LITTLE BIT OF AN ISSUE.
Hittner, David T (IS)
2015-04-27 15:36:45 UTC
As the original writer of the SIMH DEUNA device, I concur with Tim. If there had been a TOPS 10/20 DEUNA driver, I would have tried to test it during the SIMH DEUNA device development, but Tim, Zane Healy, Fred van Kempen, and others indicated that a production DEUNA driver did not exist, only a few partially-tested hacks. :-(
I do agree that 10/20 networking would be a desirable goal.

If you're trying to get DECNET running between a TOPS 10/20 implementation and some other DECNET-capable system, you have two choices:

1) You can add a DEUNA driver to the TOPS OS to use the existing capability of the SIMH DEUNA Ethernet device
Pros: Could support protocols other than DECNET (IP, LAT, etc.), better performance, more 'standard' implementation
Cons: driver may not be easy portable to other 10/20 OS's, simultaneous driver/device debugging, custom driver must be added to each 10/20 OS install


2) You could modify an existing SIMH device of one of the DECNET-supported point-to-point network device interfaces already supported by TOPS to 'fake' the point-to point link over Ethernet by wrapping the data in an Ethernet packet and filtering the Ethernet traffic down so that it looks like a point-to-point link. Theoretically, no OS debugging would be required, but in practice SIMH device debugging tends to require walking the OS code to see the simulated device interactions. You might need to add some data buffering in the SIMH device so that the TOPS OS doesn't lose data due to service timing loops - Ethernet can be wicked fast compared to the speed of the old timing loops.
Pros: no changes required to existing 10/20 OS drivers for DECNET III/IV, single device to debug
Cons: possible timing loop data loss issues, more complex SIMH device behavior, not easily expanded for non-DECNET network protocols

If you're interested in pursuing the latter, remember to debug the Ethernet connections on a hard wire; wireless Ethernet has many implementation subtleties that make it difficult for non-IP protocols like DECNET. I might even be able to provide some midnight project help with either of these, although like Tim, I can't promise how much time might be available.


-----Original Message-----
From: Simh [mailto:simh-***@trailing-edge.com] On Behalf Of Timothe Litt
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 6:32 AM
To: ***@trailing-edge.com
Subject: EXT :Re: [Simh] PDP-10 simulation: DEUNA support help needed

Although I started to write a TOPS-10 DEUNA driver as a midnight project, I never finished it. So far as I know no one else did, although the configuration support did find its way into the monitor.
Sadly, there were (and are) only so many midnights, but the supply of projects is infinite.

DECnet-10 supports ethernet on the KL, but the code for broadcast devices (ethernet) is not conditionally assembled. So in theory, it should be possible to write a (or complete my) driver. That's on my list of projects - unfortunately, quite far down the list. It would be very nice to have. Note also that there is code to support ANF-10 over ethernet; that also needs to be hooked in. Besides the driver proper, there are also tables that should be setup for NML. The KDP/DMR didn't
- but they have out-of-band monitoring and are much simpler to debug.

SimH provides the hardware, but obviously that has never been tested.
As it works on the PDP-11/VAX, I don't expect issues on the -10. You should be able to set an address via SimH - for the real hardware, I picked something convenient (but I don't remember what it is). The -10 doesn't autoconfigure its Unibus (although SimH has code to do so); all addresses are fixed. You'd put the address assignment (on UBA3) in pdp10_defs.h & see that it finds its way to the DIB - see auto_tab in pdp10_ksio.c. Or just use set address.

The bottom line is that any support that you see in the monitor is illusory; either you wait for real support to find its way up to the top of my (or someone else's) project list, or take it on yourself :-)


P.S. Before someone asks: TOPS-20 never had DEUNA support, and I never started that project. Early DECnet Phase IV development was on TOPS-20. It did use a 3COM ethernet board on the KS (this before DEUNA was available & long before the KLNIA). That driver was discarded before the first TOPS-20 release of Phase IV, as the -20 group decided not to support the KS. There was never a -20 DEUNA driver.

This communication may not represent my employer's views, if any, on the matters discussed.
Post by Cory Smelosky
I'm (attempting) to get DEUNA support operating in the KS10 simulation
(likely incorrectly).
I'm running in to some TOPS-10 issues assembling a monitor...does
anyone have a pre-genned TOPS-10 disk set up for DECnet on a KS10 with
ethernet I can use to test...if I even get that far?
* Shows up in SHOW DEV
* Has a vector
* Links correctly
* Can be enabled and attach to a host device
...and that's about all I have managed. Doesn't have an actual UNIBUS
address which is a LITTLE BIT OF AN ISSUE.
Phil Budne
2015-04-27 16:08:15 UTC
I have some files laying around from 2011:
***@phil-laptop:~/tops-10-deuna$ ls -l
total 152
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 1608 Mar 23 2011 arplst.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 14372 Mar 23 2011 arpser.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 3726 Mar 23 2011 comdev.dif
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 1307 Mar 23 2011 common.dif
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 6220 Mar 23 2011 ip4sub.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 4414 Mar 23 2011 ip4sym.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 5382 Mar 23 2011 iprout.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 8819 Mar 23 2011 ipser.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 280 Mar 23 2011 link.mic
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 1081 Mar 23 2011 scnser.dif
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 713 Mar 23 2011 s.dif
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 6780 Mar 23 2011 slip.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 614 Mar 23 2011 sysini.dif
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 9293 Mar 23 2011 tftpd.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 19664 Mar 23 2011 udpser.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 1069 Mar 23 2011 udpsym.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 21917 Mar 23 2011 unaser.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 667 Mar 23 2011 uuocon.dif
***@phil-laptop:~/tops-10-deuna$ head unaser.mac
title unaser - Service for DEUNA/DELUA.

search f, s, netprm
search ip4sym

; eHpli mrtpadei sndi e adp1p.1

opdef bltbu [716B8] ;Fast (?) byte to UNIBUS
opdef bltub [717B8] ;Fast (?) UNIBUS to byte

But no indication of where they came from (who wrote them).
I've dropped them in ftp://ftp.ultimate.com/pdp10/tops-10-deuna/

I've seen the (Don Provan?) TOPS-10 TCP/IP stack among TOPS-10 7.x
sources from KIKI (the dual KI), but *NOT* any of the userland code.
ISTR TCP connections were "assigned devices", and so persisted between
program invocations!!
Cory Smelosky
2015-04-27 16:29:35 UTC
Post by Phil Budne
But no indication of where they came from (who wrote them).
I've dropped them in ftp://ftp.ultimate.com/pdp10/tops-10-deuna/
Post by Phil Budne
I've seen the (Don Provan?) TOPS-10 TCP/IP stack among TOPS-10 7.x
sources from KIKI (the dual KI), but *NOT* any of the userland code.
ISTR TCP connections were "assigned devices", and so persisted between
program invocations!!

I THINK ftp://ftp.stacken.kth.se/pub/pdp10/dist.tap is different yet

I need to update my "known list of partial/complete TOPS-10 TCP/IP
Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects
Timothe Litt
2015-04-27 18:43:23 UTC
I took a quick glance at some of the files.

That's definitely not DEC code. And it's not the UNASER.MAC that I

It's some 3rd party. Note that it uses customer CALLI numbers (negative).

It appears to be TCP support (or a partial attempt) - there is no
DECnet support

It's always annoying when people don't sign their work...

One clue: iprout.mac references an IP address owned by the Royal
Institute of Technology in Sweden.

I don't have time to dig into it any further.

This communication may not represent my employer's views,
if any, on the matters discussed.
Post by Phil Budne
total 152
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 1608 Mar 23 2011 arplst.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 14372 Mar 23 2011 arpser.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 3726 Mar 23 2011 comdev.dif
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 1307 Mar 23 2011 common.dif
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 6220 Mar 23 2011 ip4sub.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 4414 Mar 23 2011 ip4sym.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 5382 Mar 23 2011 iprout.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 8819 Mar 23 2011 ipser.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 280 Mar 23 2011 link.mic
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 1081 Mar 23 2011 scnser.dif
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 713 Mar 23 2011 s.dif
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 6780 Mar 23 2011 slip.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 614 Mar 23 2011 sysini.dif
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 9293 Mar 23 2011 tftpd.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 19664 Mar 23 2011 udpser.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 1069 Mar 23 2011 udpsym.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 21917 Mar 23 2011 unaser.mac
-rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 667 Mar 23 2011 uuocon.dif
title unaser - Service for DEUNA/DELUA.
search f, s, netprm
search ip4sym
; eHpli mrtpadei sndi e adp1p.1
opdef bltbu [716B8] ;Fast (?) byte to UNIBUS
opdef bltub [717B8] ;Fast (?) UNIBUS to byte
But no indication of where they came from (who wrote them).
I've dropped them in ftp://ftp.ultimate.com/pdp10/tops-10-deuna/
I've seen the (Don Provan?) TOPS-10 TCP/IP stack among TOPS-10 7.x
sources from KIKI (the dual KI), but *NOT* any of the userland code.
ISTR TCP connections were "assigned devices", and so persisted between
program invocations!!
Cory Smelosky
2015-04-27 18:56:49 UTC
Post by Timothe Litt
One clue: iprout.mac references an IP address owned by the Royal
Institute of Technology in Sweden.
...This is getting absurd. Just how many stacks exist?!
Post by Timothe Litt
I don't have time to dig into it any further.
This communication may not represent my employer's views,
if any, on the matters discussed.
Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects
Johnny Billquist
2015-04-27 19:13:40 UTC
Post by Cory Smelosky
Post by Timothe Litt
One clue: iprout.mac references an IP address owned by the Royal
Institute of Technology in Sweden.
...This is getting absurd. Just how many stacks exist?!
Just as a clarification/expansion...

KICKI was/is a KI-10 (sometimes 1, sometimes 2, and sometimes 3 cpus)
running in Stockholm many years ago. It is owned by Peter Lothberg, and
members of the Stacken Computer Club had accounts on the machine. KICKI
was running Tops-10 V7.03 last I know it was running.

Stacken is a computer club located at the Royal Institute of Technology
in Stockholm (KTH). KTH had many PDP-10 systems in the 80s, inclduing
some KS machines, some of which are still around.
Stacken, at one point, had gathered additional PDP-10s from various
places around the world, and might have had the largest collections of
PDP-10s anywhere. Most of been scrapped now, I think. Sad, but problems
with space...

The last few of posts have all been referring to the same software. I
might even have some suspicions of at least some of the people who might
have been involved in writing that code.

Timothe Litt
2015-04-27 20:21:28 UTC
Post by Cory Smelosky
Post by Timothe Litt
One clue: iprout.mac references an IP address owned by the Royal
Institute of Technology in Sweden.
...This is getting absurd. Just how many stacks exist?!
That I know of? For IP?
DEC had a TOPS-20 TCP/IP stack. Many of the upper level protocols were
first implemented on t20/tenex, including smtp, ftp, telnet,
time/daytime,tftp, dns.
BBN had a TENEX stack. Not sure if DEC's started with it.
USC/ISI had a KA on the ARPANET; not sure what stack.
I believe ITS and WAITS both had TCP stacks; they certainly had NCP (the
TCP predecessor, not the DECnet)

Speaking of NCP,
Loading Image...
shows 25 ARPAnet nodes in 1971, of which 9 are PDP-10s. There are 15 by
(Loading Image...)

There was at least one other university-created stack for TOPS-10; I
want to say UW, but I'm not sure. Since DEC never built one (even
internally), the customers were on their own. It may have been the
'tops-20 differentiator & the future' politics. I wasn't involved. I
know there were a bunch of student project partially done attempts
floating around the customer base. Usually customers converged on one
codebase, but just what happened with TCP/IP on the -10 wasn't on my
RADAR. It was too early for the commercial customers to care, so it was
a small population of researchers and academics...

Then there's the stack just posted - it is clearly incomplete.

Interfaces: The AN10 for the KA/KI/KL (it lived on the IO Bus, so on the
KL used the DIA20). The AN22 for the KS. These provided the 1822
interface to the IMPs. I know some folks used SLIP on serial lines.
Of course once the KL got the KLNIA, ethernet was the way to go.
Cheaper, faster - and by then, the IMP was gone.

I'm probably missing some, but then I really don't have time to ponder
this right now.
Post by Cory Smelosky
Post by Timothe Litt
I don't have time to dig into it any further.
This communication may not represent my employer's views,
if any, on the matters discussed.
Cory Smelosky
2015-04-28 01:56:07 UTC
I can't speak to ITS at the moment, those bits are buried deep under more
current projects, of which the most relevant is WAITS on a 1095 here at the
I am very inteested in WAITS; didn't it require custom hardware though?
SU-AI[1] only had 3Mbit Experimental Ethernet, courtesy of a Xerox interface
card for the PDP-11. This was installed into the 11/40 front end on the KL[2]
in order to talk a batch of Altos donated by Xerox at the same time. This only
ever spoke PUP.[3]
Huh. Was the VAX one similar?
WAITS, which began as the PDP-6 monitor and diverged from Tops-10 around the
time of the 4S72 monitor, supported NCP until TCP/IP came along, at which point
the lab made a clean break from NCP. There was never any Ethernet-related code
underlying the NCP or IP protocol stacks.
I'm currently working on getting networking going on WAITS. I have a console-
only system running, since late last fall. It was only a month ago that one of
the SAIL alumni advising this project pointed out that WAITS never used the
MEIS (or any other Ethernet interface) for TCP/IP. We're trying to get a Xerox
card for the front end, since we have Altos anyway, and to figure out how we're
going to put this on the Internet.
Can I get a disk/tape image? ;)

Easier asking you than rudely mass-downloading from SAILDART and
attempting to assemble an FS...

How's your ... 1065? running TOPS-10 connected? Bridge from a terminal
Years before Digital brought out the NIA-20, there was a successful commercial
product, the Massbus-Ethernet Interface Subsystem (MEIS), from Cisco. This was
a 10Mbit ("10base5", in modern parlance) version of a 3Mbit board set invented
at Stanford for the purpose of networking the various PDP-10 sites on campus
together.[4] The Stanford monitor (ancestor of the Panda monitor of which so
many people are fond) supported TCP/IP as well as PUP over the MEIS, both 3Mbit
and 10Mbit; Cisco and Mark Crispin separately decided to remove the PUP code
from their monitors.[5]
I have all of the Stanford patches for that sitting on a Panda install,
interestingly enough. I also have something lsited as an MIT and BBN
[4] In 1984 when I went to work at Stanford's academic computing facility LOTS
LOTS had 4, CompSci had 2 (SCORE and SAIL), EE had 2 (Sierra and one I don't
remember the name of), the Center for the Study of Language and Information
had 1 or 2 (CSLI and another), the Medical School had 2 (SUMEX, a KL, and a
KS whose name I do not remember), the Graduate School of Business had 2 (HOW
and WHY), the Data Center had 1 (ConTEXT, IIRC), and the Institute for
Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences had a dual-processor KI (IMSSS,
running TENEX).
Do you have a pure TENEX system running? I've always wanted to poke
around in pure TENEX.
[5] All of Cisco's business and engineering was done on DEC-20 systems for the
first half dozen years or so.
Interesting, originals or TOADs?

Also: for the LCM SC-40s: The SCSI controller chip can do either HVD or
SE, from what I've been told and from my own invstigations...it can be
changed by swapping a small daughterboard which doesn't seem to be more
than some resistor packs and some line drivers. Could more easily use
say, SCSI2SD on those, that way.
Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects
Cory Smelosky
2015-04-28 03:38:02 UTC
[I wrote]
Post by Cory Smelosky
I have all of the Stanford patches for that sitting on a Panda install,
interestingly enough. I also have something lsited as an MIT and BBN

and so on from SRC: from SRI-NIC.
Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects
Cory Smelosky
2015-04-30 02:10:10 UTC
I suppose you're thinking of the Data Disc terminals, which connected to the
system through a giant disk (a Librascope, if I have my facts straight). The
on the disk, system acted on the input.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking of - thanks.
These were the terminals which gave the Space Cadet keyboard on the MIT LispMs
their bucky bits[1] and TeX many of its interesting characters in the low ASCII
range ("ASCII control characters").
Post by Cory Smelosky
Huh. Was the VAX one similar?
Further deponent sayeth not.[2]
You would still have to assemble a file system by hand. WAITS originated
before DEC's Level D disk code, and the systems programmers defined their own
file system. PPNs are SIXBIT, so [1,2] is octal 21,,22 in the MFD entry (yes,
they're right justified in the halfwords). The last version of the file
system, which lived on 3 RP07 disks, allocated things in blocks of 9 sectors,
giving 1K of data + 200 words of "retrieval data" per block (repeated through
every block of a file).

Similar to TOPS-10's FS with multi-unit structures or with some sort of
The issue is that only 3 systems ran WAITS: SU-AI at SAIL, a KL-10 system
attached to the S-1 project at Lawrence Livermore Labs, and a Foonly F2 at
CCRMA (the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, at Stanford).
Because of the way the system grew, there was never a need for a utility that
would build a file system from scratch on an initialized disk (like CHECKD in
TOPS-20 or the ONCE code in Tops-10, or even NSALV in ITS), so no one ever
wrote one. The closest thing to it was a program written to move from a
damaged file system to a new set of RP07s, which relied on working copies of
several programs on the undamaged disks.
I take it from your understanding of the FS you have a utility to do just
that written? ;)
Getting a file system working was about 6 months of last year.
Thankfully the CIS one seems to be simpler. It's a bit odd, but seems
mostly TOPS-10.
2065. It's in an orange corporate cabinet, and started life running TOPS-20.
We use it for Tops-10 (v7.04) because we have another platform for TOPS-20, one
on which it has all the memory it really needs.
Ah, right. I recall reading a message you wrote about -20 being starved
for memory on a 2065.
Hmm. I have to dig my personal tapes out of a storage locker.
Hope you have better luck reading them than I have with trying to make a
CIS tape. ;)
I assume that's what you listed in a later message.
Yeah. If you need anything specific from it, let me know - I extracted it
and then recompressed as a UNIX tarball...albeit losing the versioning in
the process.
Me, too. TENEX requires either a KA-10 based system with a BBN pager attached,
or a KI-10 based system (and DEC would sell you a license for their modified
version). If I ever have time, I might try getting TENEX to run on our 1070.
Does that mean you have bootable TENEX installation media, or would you
need to construct manually and cross-assemble before rebuilding itself?
Originals, of course. The Toad-1 System was introduced in 1995. Cisco was
founded in 1984, with a business plan that called for building the Toad--all
the networking stuff was intended by the founders as a cash cow to fund the
Ahh, right.

Post by Cory Smelosky
Also: for the LCM SC-40s: The SCSI controller chip can do either HVD or
SE, from what I've been told and from my own invstigations...it can be
changed by swapping a small daughterboard which doesn't seem to be more
than some resistor packs and some line drivers. Could more easily use
say, SCSI2SD on those, that way.
Thanks, Cory! I'll file that away.
Thanks to a commentor on my video the chips are:
75ALS170 Triple Differential Bus Transceiver
75ALS171 Triple Differential Bus Transceiver

so it should be relatively trivial to make your own SE adapters...or take
some HVD drives from my source...I surely don't need 400!

If you're all too busy there, I could always image the drives if needed.
I have an operational SCSI imaging box and a quick-and-dirty utility to read
the volume label and determine if it has an SSL definition (the utility
doesn't do that - I manually mount in a TOPS-10 install)
[1] Interesting story about the name, recounted in John Markoff's book _What
the Dormouse Said_.
[2] I honestly don't know.
Seems nobody does :(
Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects
Andreas Davour
2015-04-30 20:29:17 UTC
Post by Cory Smelosky
The issue is that only 3 systems ran WAITS: SU-AI at SAIL, a KL-10 system
attached to the S-1 project at Lawrence Livermore Labs, and a Foonly F2 at
CCRMA (the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, at Stanford).
Because of the way the system grew, there was never a need for a utility that
would build a file system from scratch on an initialized disk (like CHECKD in
TOPS-20 or the ONCE code in Tops-10, or even NSALV in ITS), so no one ever
wrote one. The closest thing to it was a program written to move from a
damaged file system to a new set of RP07s, which relied on working copies of
several programs on the undamaged disks.
I take it from your understanding of the FS you have a utility to do just
that written? ;)
Getting a file system working was about 6 months of last year.
Long talks with two old friends, both SAIL alumni who worked on the OS when it
was a research specialty all its own, were the first part--and sometimes one or
the other would not remember changes made for later devices (like the RP07s).
Then I discovered the program RSKINI in browsing SAILDART.org, and things began
to gel; I eventually converted it from FAIL to Macro-10, instrumented the hell
out of it[1], and took the logged output as the source for the next part of the
That consisted of setting up FILDDT batch jobs on Tops-10 (patched to not treat
foreign drives as offline) where the output from RSKINI was scribbled directly
onto the disks.[2] Once that was done, WAITS could boot past the point where
it wanted to turn on swapping.
Impressive work!
Post by Cory Smelosky
Me, too. TENEX requires either a KA-10 based system with a BBN pager attached,
or a KI-10 based system (and DEC would sell you a license for their modified
version). If I ever have time, I might try getting TENEX to run on our 1070.
Does that mean you have bootable TENEX installation media, or would you
need to construct manually and cross-assemble before rebuilding itself?
I don't think anyone has bootable TENEX media. It would be a labor of love to
try to cross-compile TENEX under TOPS-20 on a Toad-2, then build a boot program
for the KI that could read it in from disk. At least the file system layout is
similar to TOPS-20.
We've probably bored the broader audience enough. Talk to you soon in private
Speaking only for myself, I can say I find this immensely fascinating!


"economics is a pseudoscience; the astrology of our time"
Kim Stanley Robinson
Clem Cole
2015-04-30 20:45:39 UTC
On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 4:20 PM, Rich Alderson <
Striping came along with redundant arrays of
inexpensive disks. At $50,000 a drive, RP07s were not candidates. ;-)

Be careful here with that sort of statement. Striping as a technology
predates RAID and certainly could have been used by large commercial
systems if people had wanted too. Supercomputers like Crays and CDC, as
well as the "mini-crays" like Convex and even the "Crayolla" (Stellar) all
striped with very expensive 19" technology in the late 1970s and 1980s.

You are correct, that striping as a popular technique does not go
mainstream until the 3.5" technology where the cost per byte got low enough
that "anyone" could afford it - i.e. when the idea of RAID shows up.

Phil Budne
2015-04-30 21:05:41 UTC
I don't think anyone has bootable TENEX media. It would be a labor
of love to try to cross-compile TENEX under TOPS-20 on a Toad-2,
then build a boot program for the KI that could read it in from
disk. At least the file system layout is similar to TOPS-20.
Do KI TENEX sources exist?? They had to simulate the BBN paging box
(using the KI page tables as a "Translation Lookaside Buffer").

Someone was working on KA (and KI) simulation in SIMH (to bring the
conversation back around) and ISTR had TOPS-10 6.03 running.

With a simulated KA (and peripherals), the SIMH "TOPS-20" KS10 paging
code probably gives you a big running start at the BBN paging box
(which ISTR I have a document on).
We've probably bored the broader audience enough. Talk to you soon
in private e-mail.
I'm not bored!!
Cory Smelosky
2015-04-30 22:52:11 UTC
Post by Phil Budne
Do KI TENEX sources exist?? They had to simulate the BBN paging box
(using the KI page tables as a "Translation Lookaside Buffer").
Someone was working on KA (and KI) simulation in SIMH (to bring the
conversation back around) and ISTR had TOPS-10 6.03 running.
Do you have sources for this? I could really use pure 6.03 to confirm a
theory about when CompuServe's code branched.
Post by Phil Budne
With a simulated KA (and peripherals), the SIMH "TOPS-20" KS10 paging
code probably gives you a big running start at the BBN paging box
(which ISTR I have a document on).
Post by Phil Budne
We've probably bored the broader audience enough. Talk to you soon
in private e-mail.
I'm not bored!!
Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects
Richard Cornwell
2015-05-01 01:18:04 UTC
On Thu, 30 Apr 2015 17:05:41 -0400
Post by Phil Budne
I don't think anyone has bootable TENEX media. It would be a labor
of love to try to cross-compile TENEX under TOPS-20 on a Toad-2,
then build a boot program for the KI that could read it in from
disk. At least the file system layout is similar to TOPS-20.
Do KI TENEX sources exist?? They had to simulate the BBN paging box
(using the KI page tables as a "Translation Lookaside Buffer").
Someone was working on KA (and KI) simulation in SIMH (to bring the
conversation back around) and ISTR had TOPS-10 6.03 running.
That would be me. :-) It runs 6.03 and 5.03. The KI needs 2 more
instructions to finish, before I can test it. Does anyone have VMSER
for 6.03?

I've been busy working on getting Scope 3.0 and 3.1 up and running
under DtCyber so I have not been playing with the KA/KI simulator. I
also have Monitor TS 1.19 and 4.05 transcribed. Right now my machine
does not do DecTape so I can't run these older monitors.

For those who are interested I managed to find a copy of the source
for CDC Scope 3.1, and also a hacked copy of the Fortran RUN compiler
for COS. Since neither has copyrights I believe I can make them
available. RUN is sort of broken on COS.
Post by Phil Budne
With a simulated KA (and peripherals), the SIMH "TOPS-20" KS10 paging
code probably gives you a big running start at the BBN paging box
(which ISTR I have a document on).
ISTR seeing some KI code for Tenex that used the KI pager to
simulate the BBN paging box.
Post by Phil Budne
We've probably bored the broader audience enough. Talk to you soon
in private e-mail.
I'm not bored!!
Me either, been following alone. :-)

BTW, the KA/KI simulator was written so that it would model the
hardware so the code is not the neatest. I am working on cleaning it
up and emulating the results rather then the algorithm.

Richard Cornwell
Cory Smelosky
2015-05-01 01:24:52 UTC
Post by Richard Cornwell
That would be me. :-) It runs 6.03 and 5.03. The KI needs 2 more
instructions to finish, before I can test it. Does anyone have VMSER
for 6.03?
I don't, but I am very interested in your code. ;)
Post by Richard Cornwell
I've been busy working on getting Scope 3.0 and 3.1 up and running
under DtCyber so I have not been playing with the KA/KI simulator. I
also have Monitor TS 1.19 and 4.05 transcribed. Right now my machine
does not do DecTape so I can't run these older monitors.

Can I get an archive of that as well? I want to archive as much as
Post by Richard Cornwell
For those who are interested I managed to find a copy of the source
for CDC Scope 3.1, and also a hacked copy of the Fortran RUN compiler
for COS. Since neither has copyrights I believe I can make them
available. RUN is sort of broken on COS.
I am also interested in that. ;)
Post by Richard Cornwell
ISTR seeing some KI code for Tenex that used the KI pager to
simulate the BBN paging box.
Post by Richard Cornwell
Post by Phil Budne
I'm not bored!!
Me either, been following alone. :-)
BTW, the KA/KI simulator was written so that it would model the
hardware so the code is not the neatest. I am working on cleaning it
up and emulating the results rather then the algorithm.
Likely better than the quick hack I did to re-add DEUNA support for my
tests ;)
Post by Richard Cornwell
Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects
Lars Brinkhoff
2017-01-03 19:05:33 UTC
Post by Phil Budne
I don't think anyone has bootable TENEX media. It would be a labor
of love to try to cross-compile TENEX under TOPS-20 on a Toad-2, then
build a boot program for the KI that could read it in from disk.
It seems Cory Smelosky has recently built a TENEX.SAV. But now he needs
TENDMP to boot it.
Post by Phil Budne
Do KI TENEX sources exist??
Yes, see KIFLG in version 1.34.
Cory Smelosky
2017-01-03 19:25:24 UTC
Not that successful, sadly.

I forget who precisely but they had a tarball containing a binary - just kept forgetting to make it known.

Sent from my iPhone
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Phil Budne
I don't think anyone has bootable TENEX media. It would be a labor
of love to try to cross-compile TENEX under TOPS-20 on a Toad-2, then
build a boot program for the KI that could read it in from disk.
It seems Cory Smelosky has recently built a TENEX.SAV. But now he needs
TENDMP to boot it.
Post by Phil Budne
Do KI TENEX sources exist??
Yes, see KIFLG in version 1.34.
Simh mailing list
Richard Cornwell
2017-01-03 19:29:05 UTC

I have a copy of tendmp.mac that I acquired off Saildart.org. It is
in my v1.19 git repo at http://git.sky-visions.com

I am currently trying to figure out why my KI10 sim will not boot
TOPS10. It appears that is placing the high segment at the wrong
address in SYSINI. It is off by 1 page.

v1.19 pretty much assembles and loads correctly. V4.5 will still not
assemble without errors. v1.19 still has some paging issues to match
the scanned sources exactly. Both are in my git repo. I will add in
3.x when I get some more time.

Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Phil Budne
I don't think anyone has bootable TENEX media. It would be a labor
of love to try to cross-compile TENEX under TOPS-20 on a Toad-2,
then build a boot program for the KI that could read it in from
It seems Cory Smelosky has recently built a TENEX.SAV. But now he
needs TENDMP to boot it.
Post by Phil Budne
Do KI TENEX sources exist??
Yes, see KIFLG in version 1.34.
Simh mailing list
Richard Cornwell
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-cornwell-991076107
Cory Smelosky
2017-01-03 19:34:24 UTC
I've built TENDMP as well - just need it written to disk ;)

Sent from my iPhone
Post by Cory Smelosky
I have a copy of tendmp.mac that I acquired off Saildart.org. It is
in my v1.19 git repo at http://git.sky-visions.com
I am currently trying to figure out why my KI10 sim will not boot
TOPS10. It appears that is placing the high segment at the wrong
address in SYSINI. It is off by 1 page.
v1.19 pretty much assembles and loads correctly. V4.5 will still not
assemble without errors. v1.19 still has some paging issues to match
the scanned sources exactly. Both are in my git repo. I will add in
3.x when I get some more time.
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Phil Budne
I don't think anyone has bootable TENEX media. It would be a labor
of love to try to cross-compile TENEX under TOPS-20 on a Toad-2,
then build a boot program for the KI that could read it in from
It seems Cory Smelosky has recently built a TENEX.SAV. But now he
needs TENDMP to boot it.
Post by Phil Budne
Do KI TENEX sources exist??
Yes, see KIFLG in version 1.34.
Simh mailing list
Richard Cornwell
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-cornwell-991076107
Simh mailing list
Richard Cornwell
2017-01-03 19:41:32 UTC
Hi Cory,
Post by Cory Smelosky
I've built TENDMP as well - just need it written to disk ;)
The TENDMP I have runs stand alone. It copies Core to dectape or
dectape to core. It can be placed in the first block of a dectape to
boot it.

Post by Cory Smelosky
Sent from my iPhone
Post by Cory Smelosky
I have a copy of tendmp.mac that I acquired off Saildart.org. It
is in my v1.19 git repo at http://git.sky-visions.com
I am currently trying to figure out why my KI10 sim will not boot
TOPS10. It appears that is placing the high segment at the wrong
address in SYSINI. It is off by 1 page.
v1.19 pretty much assembles and loads correctly. V4.5 will still
not assemble without errors. v1.19 still has some paging issues to
match the scanned sources exactly. Both are in my git repo. I will
add in 3.x when I get some more time.
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Phil Budne
I don't think anyone has bootable TENEX media. It would be a
labor of love to try to cross-compile TENEX under TOPS-20 on a
Toad-2, then build a boot program for the KI that could read it
in from disk.
It seems Cory Smelosky has recently built a TENEX.SAV. But now he
needs TENDMP to boot it.
Post by Phil Budne
Do KI TENEX sources exist??
Yes, see KIFLG in version 1.34.
Simh mailing list
Richard Cornwell
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-cornwell-991076107
Simh mailing list
Simh mailing list
Richard Cornwell
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-cornwell-991076107
Al Kossow
2017-01-03 19:35:19 UTC
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Phil Budne
Do KI TENEX sources exist??
Yes, see KIFLG in version 1.34.
I see that there are two tape images I've read from SCRC, one I read in 2000
and one in 2008. They may be the same, just re-read, the second read is four
megs longer than the first.

I'll put them up for a couple of days under bits/Foonly on bitsavers.

There's going to be a bunch more old stuff in the SRI-NIC tape backlog at CHM
but I can't spend any time working on that right now.
Cory Smelosky
2017-01-04 01:21:30 UTC
Post by Al Kossow
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Phil Budne
Do KI TENEX sources exist??
Yes, see KIFLG in version 1.34.
I see that there are two tape images I've read from SCRC, one I read in 2000
and one in 2008. They may be the same, just re-read, the second read is four
megs longer than the first.
I'll put them up for a couple of days under bits/Foonly on bitsavers.
There's going to be a bunch more old stuff in the SRI-NIC tape backlog at CHM
but I can't spend any time working on that right now.
Simh mailing list
Any ideas what the tape format is?

As-is neither DUMPER nor BACKUP will touch it.
Cory Smelosky
Al Kossow
2017-01-04 01:36:31 UTC
vague memory says 'Symbolics'

from Johnny's msg on cctlk


resulted in:

0: 7000037 000700,,000067 0 34 0 0 33 " "
1: 21f30 000000,,417460 0 0 4 37 30 " "
2: 894e5ba78 422471,,335170 104 123 113 72 74 "DSK:<"
3: 8d3e7ce8a 432371,,747212 106 117 117 116 105 "FOONE"
4: b0fa1c882 541750,,344202 130 76 103 110 101 "X>CHA"
5: 9f4d74d82 476465,,646602 117 123 56 115 101 "OS.MA"
6: 86ed9b972 415666,,334562 103 73 63 71 71 "C;399"
7: 0 000000,,000000 0 0 0 0 0 " "


777: 0 000000,,000000 0 0 0 0 0 " "
1000: 774e94374 356472,,241564 73 123 122 103 72 ";SRC:"
1001: 794ecd35c 362473,,151534 74 123 131 123 56 "<SYS."
1002: 9b3e749a8 466371,,644650 115 117 116 111 124 "MONIT"
1003: 9f49f4390 476447,,641620 117 122 76 103 110 "OR>CH"
1004: 833e9ae9a 406372,,327232 101 117 123 56 115 "AOS.M"
1005: 830d73372 406065,,631562 101 103 56 63 71 "AC.39"
1006: 6e810375a 335004,,033532 67 40 40 67 55 "7 7-"
1007: 9b87cad70 467037,,126560 115 141 171 55 70 "May-8"
1010: 62818b974 305006,,134564 61 40 61 71 72 "1 19:"
1011: 66d5d346c 315527,,232154 63 65 72 64 66 "35:46"
1012: 58822e4d2 261010,,562322 54 40 105 144 151 ", Edi"
1013: e88317940 721014,,274500 164 40 142 171 40 "t by "
1014: 9b361cd1a 466330,,346432 115 115 103 115 15 "MMCM "

[and so on]

Looks like a tape in core-dump format with a header page.

which looks MIT/Symbolics-ish
Post by Cory Smelosky
Post by Al Kossow
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Phil Budne
Do KI TENEX sources exist??
Yes, see KIFLG in version 1.34.
I see that there are two tape images I've read from SCRC, one I read in 2000
and one in 2008. They may be the same, just re-read, the second read is four
megs longer than the first.
I'll put them up for a couple of days under bits/Foonly on bitsavers.
There's going to be a bunch more old stuff in the SRI-NIC tape backlog at CHM
but I can't spend any time working on that right now.
Simh mailing list
Any ideas what the tape format is?
As-is neither DUMPER nor BACKUP will touch it.
Lars Brinkhoff
2017-01-04 12:46:22 UTC
Post by Al Kossow
Any ideas what the tape format is? As-is neither DUMPER nor BACKUP
will touch it.
vague memory says 'Symbolics'
from Johnny's msg on cctlk
0: 7000037 000700,,000067 0 34 0 0 33 " "
1: 21f30 000000,,417460 0 0 4 37 30 " "
2: 894e5ba78 422471,,335170 104 123 113 72 74 "DSK:<"
3: 8d3e7ce8a 432371,,747212 106 117 117 116 105 "FOONE"
4: b0fa1c882 541750,,344202 130 76 103 110 101 "X>CHA"
5: 9f4d74d82 476465,,646602 117 123 56 115 101 "OS.MA"
6: 86ed9b972 415666,,334562 103 73 63 71 71 "C;399"
7: 0 000000,,000000 0 0 0 0 0 " "
777: 0 000000,,000000 0 0 0 0 0 " "
1000: 774e94374 356472,,241564 73 123 122 103 72 ";SRC:"
1001: 794ecd35c 362473,,151534 74 123 131 123 56 "<SYS."
1002: 9b3e749a8 466371,,644650 115 117 116 111 124 "MONIT"
1003: 9f49f4390 476447,,641620 117 122 76 103 110 "OR>CH"
1004: 833e9ae9a 406372,,327232 101 117 123 56 115 "AOS.M"
1005: 830d73372 406065,,631562 101 103 56 63 71 "AC.39"
1006: 6e810375a 335004,,033532 67 40 40 67 55 "7 7-"
1007: 9b87cad70 467037,,126560 115 141 171 55 70 "May-8"
1010: 62818b974 305006,,134564 61 40 61 71 72 "1 19:"
1011: 66d5d346c 315527,,232154 63 65 72 64 66 "35:46"
1012: 58822e4d2 261010,,562322 54 40 105 144 151 ", Edi"
1013: e88317940 721014,,274500 164 40 142 171 40 "t by "
1014: 9b361cd1a 466330,,346432 115 115 103 115 15 "MMCM "
[and so on]
Looks like a tape in core-dump format with a header page.
which looks MIT/Symbolics-ish
So I took a quick peek at those two tapes (scrc.tap,
scrc_tapex_198106_1600.tap) -- both are standard core dump (wfconv
can handle that). But I can't say I regognize the format as anything
that a Symbolics system would normally produce, doesnt look like a
ITS tape either.
Hey, I see MMCM in there. Maybe just ask Mike?
Lars Brinkhoff
2017-01-04 20:23:16 UTC
Post by Al Kossow
I see that there are two tape images I've read from SCRC, one I read
in 2000 and one in 2008. They may be the same, just re-read, the
second read is four megs longer than the first.
Any ideas what the tape format is? As-is neither DUMPER nor BACKUP
will touch it.
I got this below from Mike McMahon. It seems there are TAPEX
implementations for TOPS-20, Multics, and Symbolics Genera. There is a
TAPEX.MID at trailing-edge, but I can't get at it.
I would guess TAPEX, which was the program used to write tapes to be
hand carried from SCRC to MIT-AI and MIT Multics before ARPANET was
opened up.
You might be able to track down the MIDAS source for that program. I
doubt that the PL/I source survives.
Cory Smelosky
2017-01-04 21:07:38 UTC
That'd be exactly what I need!

$dir src:<*>tapex.mid
%No files match this specification - src:<*>tapex.mid

Don't seem to have it on my SRC: structure populated with the SRI-NIC
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Al Kossow
I see that there are two tape images I've read from SCRC, one I read
in 2000 and one in 2008. They may be the same, just re-read, the
second read is four megs longer than the first.
Any ideas what the tape format is? As-is neither DUMPER nor BACKUP
will touch it.
I got this below from Mike McMahon. It seems there are TAPEX
implementations for TOPS-20, Multics, and Symbolics Genera. There is a
TAPEX.MID at trailing-edge, but I can't get at it.
I would guess TAPEX, which was the program used to write tapes to be
hand carried from SCRC to MIT-AI and MIT Multics before ARPANET was
opened up.
You might be able to track down the MIDAS source for that program. I
doubt that the PL/I source survives.
Cory Smelosky
Lars Brinkhoff
2017-01-04 21:39:36 UTC
Post by Cory Smelosky
That'd be exactly what I need!
$dir src:<*>tapex.mid
%No files match this specification - src:<*>tapex.mid
Don't seem to have it on my SRC: structure populated with the SRI-NIC
Look like there should be a PS:<KLH>TAPEX.KLH.1, and also a

Maybe we can ask KLH about it.
Al Kossow
2017-01-04 21:48:07 UTC
CHM has most of KLH's tapes. I'm had heard that
Stanford did make an attempt at reading some of SRI's tapes
but I never heard that at DVD existed
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Cory Smelosky
That'd be exactly what I need!
$dir src:<*>tapex.mid
%No files match this specification - src:<*>tapex.mid
Don't seem to have it on my SRC: structure populated with the SRI-NIC
Look like there should be a PS:<KLH>TAPEX.KLH.1, and also a
Maybe we can ask KLH about it.
Simh mailing list
Al Kossow
2017-01-04 21:49:48 UTC
From when he was at SRI. They were part of a huge collection that
Henry saved when SRI was going to toss them.
Post by Al Kossow
CHM has most of KLH's tapes.
Al Kossow
2017-01-04 21:59:33 UTC
I've attached my lot evaluation I did when Stanford transferred the SRI tape collection to CHM
Post by Al Kossow
From when he was at SRI. They were part of a huge collection that
Henry saved when SRI was going to toss them.
Post by Al Kossow
CHM has most of KLH's tapes.
Simh mailing list
Lars Brinkhoff
2017-01-04 21:56:17 UTC
Regarding TAPEX, I'm talking about these tapes:


The version of read20 I have can't handle the image format.
Post by Al Kossow
CHM has most of KLH's tapes. I'm had heard that
Stanford did make an attempt at reading some of SRI's tapes
but I never heard that at DVD existed
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Cory Smelosky
That'd be exactly what I need!
$dir src:<*>tapex.mid
%No files match this specification - src:<*>tapex.mid
Don't seem to have it on my SRC: structure populated with the SRI-NIC
Look like there should be a PS:<KLH>TAPEX.KLH.1, and also a
Maybe we can ask KLH about it.
Al Kossow
2017-01-05 05:51:42 UTC
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Look like there should be a PS:<KLH>TAPEX.KLH.1, and also a
need to check with Tim Shoppa about how where that fragment came from
that is listed as

the actual files are
Lars Brinkhoff
2017-01-05 07:19:49 UTC
Post by Al Kossow
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Look like there should be a PS:<KLH>TAPEX.KLH.1, and also a
need to check with Tim Shoppa about how where that fragment came from
that is listed as
the actual files are
To me it looks like the HTML file listing have gone bad somehow.

Now I had my morning coffee, maybe I can massage the tape images into
something read20 likes.
Cory Smelosky
2017-01-07 20:15:36 UTC
TAPEX doesn't appear to be there - no results for TAPE*.MID in SRC: (extracted to a T20 instance), and the other structure is FS - not the referred to by the file PS:

Sent from my iPhone
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
The version of read20 I have can't handle the image format.
Post by Al Kossow
CHM has most of KLH's tapes. I'm had heard that
Stanford did make an attempt at reading some of SRI's tapes
but I never heard that at DVD existed
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Cory Smelosky
That'd be exactly what I need!
$dir src:<*>tapex.mid
%No files match this specification - src:<*>tapex.mid
Don't seem to have it on my SRC: structure populated with the SRI-NIC
Look like there should be a PS:<KLH>TAPEX.KLH.1, and also a
Maybe we can ask KLH about it.
Simh mailing list
Cory Smelosky
2017-01-05 03:57:46 UTC
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Cory Smelosky
That'd be exactly what I need!
$dir src:<*>tapex.mid
%No files match this specification - src:<*>tapex.mid
Don't seem to have it on my SRC: structure populated with the SRI-NIC
Look like there should be a PS:<KLH>TAPEX.KLH.1, and also a
Maybe we can ask KLH about it.
I don't appear to have anything from PS: anywhere

Time to check SAILDART for TAPEX.MID.
Cory Smelosky
Lars Brinkhoff
2017-01-05 13:39:11 UTC
Post by Cory Smelosky
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Look like there should be a PS:<KLH>TAPEX.KLH.1, and also a
Maybe we can ask KLH about it.
I don't appear to have anything from PS: anywhere
Oh, there is a file SRC:<UTILITY>KLH-DN..1, which appears to be a
listing of a DUMPER tape. That tape presumably had TAPEX.MID:


So it was just a wild-goose chase. Had me fooled.
Al Kossow
2017-01-05 14:23:33 UTC
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Cory Smelosky
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Look like there should be a PS:<KLH>TAPEX.KLH.1, and also a
Maybe we can ask KLH about it.
I don't appear to have anything from PS: anywhere
Oh, there is a file SRC:<UTILITY>KLH-DN..1, which appears to be a
So it was just a wild-goose chase. Had me fooled.
look if there is more than one dump on that tape
the 1991 one probably overwrote the 1985 one that has the file you're looking for
Lars Brinkhoff
2017-01-05 15:18:52 UTC
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Oh, there is a file SRC:<UTILITY>KLH-DN..1, which appears to be a
look if there is more than one dump on that tape the 1991 one probably
overwrote the 1985 one that has the file you're looking for
I'm not experienced with TOPS-20, so I'm not sure how to do thatq. I
just ran read20 -t to view the contents. There was no TAPEX file listed.

Later I ran read20 -x to extract all files. I got some messages and
errors like these:

src:<6-manuals>20monuser.mem.1: Split file, part 1: 37921 raw bytes left
src:<7.monitor>pagem.mac.1: Split file, part 2: 5120 raw bytes missing.
Fall thru in getfield

And the _2_ tape printed this:

?Unexpected end of file

In the end, I got 5476 files out of the four tapes.
Al Kossow
2017-01-05 15:34:52 UTC
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
I'm not experienced with TOPS-20, so I'm not sure how to do thatq. I
just ran read20 -t to view the contents. There was no TAPEX file listed.
It's not a TOPS-20 thing. 9 track tapes write over whatever was there before
and unlike QIC tapes, leave no indication that reading should stop there.
A tape imaging program will read past the double EOF marks and pick up whatever
follows. Given that the dump fragment has a dump date of 1985, it is probably
left over from then. Talk to Tim and ask him what he used to create that directory
fragment, obviously it's capable to dealing with it.

afa the errors.. the tapes aren't clean reads. there are bad blocks and missing blocks.
Cory Smelosky
2017-01-05 04:19:37 UTC
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Al Kossow
I see that there are two tape images I've read from SCRC, one I read
in 2000 and one in 2008. They may be the same, just re-read, the
second read is four megs longer than the first.
Any ideas what the tape format is? As-is neither DUMPER nor BACKUP
will touch it.
I got this below from Mike McMahon. It seems there are TAPEX
implementations for TOPS-20, Multics, and Symbolics Genera. There is a
TAPEX.MID at trailing-edge, but I can't get at it.
I would guess TAPEX, which was the program used to write tapes to be
hand carried from SCRC to MIT-AI and MIT Multics before ARPANET was
opened up.
You might be able to track down the MIDAS source for that program. I
doubt that the PL/I source survives.
Alternatively, I wonder if the Multics distribution for the dps8/m
project has TAPEX...
Cory Smelosky
Lars Brinkhoff
2017-02-04 20:11:46 UTC
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Al Kossow
I see that there are two tape images I've read from SCRC, one I read
in 2000 and one in 2008. They may be the same, just re-read, the
second read is four megs longer than the first.
Any ideas what the tape format is? As-is neither DUMPER nor BACKUP
will touch it.
I got this below from Mike McMahon.
I would guess TAPEX, which was the program used to write tapes to be
hand carried from SCRC to MIT-AI and MIT Multics before ARPANET was
opened up.
Based on his analysis, I made a tapex tool. It just lists the contents
for now, but it would be trivial to extract the files as well.

It's in http://github.com/brouhaha/tapeutils
Lars Brinkhoff
2017-01-04 07:17:59 UTC
Post by Al Kossow
There's going to be a bunch more old stuff in the SRI-NIC tape backlog
at CHM but I can't spend any time working on that right now.
It's great knowing there's more to come!

By the way, I occasionally dole out stuff I find here:

All ITS applications are bundled into the "its" repository, but
occasional finds get their own. There's MINITS, an MIT operating system
for PDP-11. Also TRANTOR, which I transferred to one of its creators:

Lars Brinkhoff
2017-01-04 11:06:19 UTC
Post by Al Kossow
I see that there are two tape images I've read from SCRC, one I read
in 2000 and one in 2008. They may be the same, just re-read, the
second read is four megs longer than the first. I'll put them up for
a couple of days under bits/Foonly on bitsavers.
I'll have a LispM hacker look at them.
Phil Budne
2017-01-04 21:14:29 UTC
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Phil Budne
Do KI TENEX sources exist??
Yes, see KIFLG in version 1.34.
In May 2015, I wrote:

Many "IFN KIFLG" lines, but in pagem.mac:

Later in the file:
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Phil Budne



Has KISRV.MAC been found?

The latter comment could, of course have been obsolete...
We know how much programmers enjoy updating documentation!

The kisrv.mac does show up in this list of 133-tenex files:


My first job was working for Dan Murphy's wife, Sara on FORTRAN-10/20.
Dan worked at the other end of a LARGE room of cubicles of 36-bit
Software Engineering people. I don't have a record of asking Dan if
he had any KI10 TENEX bits (ISTR he did the work on contract to DEC),
but if he had, they might have been on the same disk pack with his
historical versions of TECO, that disappeared after he left DEC

Al Kossow
2017-01-04 21:45:42 UTC
hmmm.. looks like this is a directory from a DVD that the SU Archives
has from SUMEX.AIM


you could try talking to Henry to see if part of it could be released. I doubt
they would give you copies of the DVD with all the personal directories in there
Post by Phil Budne
My first job was working for Dan Murphy's wife, Sara on FORTRAN-10/20.
Dan worked at the other end of a LARGE room of cubicles of 36-bit
Software Engineering people. I don't have a record of asking Dan if
he had any KI10 TENEX bits (ISTR he did the work on contract to DEC),
but if he had, they might have been on the same disk pack with his
Cory Smelosky
2017-01-05 21:18:58 UTC
I've sent off an email and was referred to the holder of the archive to no response.

Will ping again this month.

Sent from my iPhone
Post by Al Kossow
hmmm.. looks like this is a directory from a DVD that the SU Archives
has from SUMEX.AIM
you could try talking to Henry to see if part of it could be released. I doubt
they would give you copies of the DVD with all the personal directories in there
Post by Phil Budne
My first job was working for Dan Murphy's wife, Sara on FORTRAN-10/20.
Dan worked at the other end of a LARGE room of cubicles of 36-bit
Software Engineering people. I don't have a record of asking Dan if
he had any KI10 TENEX bits (ISTR he did the work on contract to DEC),
but if he had, they might have been on the same disk pack with his
Simh mailing list
Richard Cornwell
2017-01-04 22:17:25 UTC
If all the pieces to run on a KI10 are not here, it should not be that
hard to add the BBN pager to my KA10 sim. I plan on adding an ITS pager
anyway as soon as I can get Tops10 to boot on the KI10. Tops 10 seems
to be relocating itself off by one page when it loads into the KI10,
have not been able to track down why yet.

I was looking at the BBN pager spec and it did not look as complex as
it did the first time I looked at it.

From my reading of the TENEX sources it looks like it just used the
paging hardware to simulate the BBN pager.

Post by Phil Budne
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Phil Budne
Do KI TENEX sources exist??
Yes, see KIFLG in version 1.34.
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Phil Budne
Has KISRV.MAC been found?
The latter comment could, of course have been obsolete...
We know how much programmers enjoy updating documentation!
My first job was working for Dan Murphy's wife, Sara on FORTRAN-10/20.
Dan worked at the other end of a LARGE room of cubicles of 36-bit
Software Engineering people. I don't have a record of asking Dan if
he had any KI10 TENEX bits (ISTR he did the work on contract to DEC),
but if he had, they might have been on the same disk pack with his
historical versions of TECO, that disappeared after he left DEC
Simh mailing list
Richard Cornwell
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-cornwell-991076107
Phil Budne
2017-01-04 23:48:47 UTC
Post by Richard Cornwell
I was looking at the BBN pager spec and it did not look as complex as
it did the first time I looked at it.
And the TOPS-20 paging code in the KS10 code should be "similar"
Post by Richard Cornwell
From my reading of the TENEX sources it looks like it just used the
paging hardware to simulate the BBN pager.
I believe the premise of the KI10 port was to use the hardware as a
TLB (translation lookaside buffer) much as the BBN pager had a number
of cached entries, and the "smarts" of the BBN pager were emulated in

Dan discusses it at: http://tenex.opost.com/hbook.html
Lars Brinkhoff
2017-01-14 13:32:59 UTC
Post by Phil Budne
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
Post by Phil Budne
Do KI TENEX sources exist??
Yes, see KIFLG in version 1.34.
Has KISRV.MAC been found?
Sorry, I didn't see that.

I suppose Dan Murphy would be the obvious person to ask about everything
TENEX. Has anyone tried that?
Cory Smelosky
2015-04-30 22:48:50 UTC
Multi-unit structures. Striping came along with redundant arrays of
inexpensive disks. At $50,000 a drive, RP07s were not candidates. ;-)
Heh, definitely not. ;)
Post by Cory Smelosky
Getting a file system working was about 6 months of last year.
Long talks with two old friends, both SAIL alumni who worked on the OS when it
was a research specialty all its own, were the first part--and sometimes one or
the other would not remember changes made for later devices (like the RP07s).
Then I discovered the program RSKINI in browsing SAILDART.org, and things began
to gel; I eventually converted it from FAIL to Macro-10, instrumented the hell
out of it[1], and took the logged output as the source for the next part of the
Recovering stuff like this is very fascinating to me.
That consisted of setting up FILDDT batch jobs on Tops-10 (patched to not treat
foreign drives as offline) where the output from RSKINI was scribbled directly
onto the disks.[2] Once that was done, WAITS could boot past the point where
it wanted to turn on swapping.
Those patches sound useful for some CIS stuff.
Post by Cory Smelosky
Does that mean you have bootable TENEX installation media, or would you
need to construct manually and cross-assemble before rebuilding itself?
I don't think anyone has bootable TENEX media. It would be a labor of love to
try to cross-compile TENEX under TOPS-20 on a Toad-2, then build a boot program
for the KI that could read it in from disk. At least the file system layout is
similar to TOPS-20.
Hmmm - yeah.
We've probably bored the broader audience enough. Talk to you soon in private
Probably - I was unsure if private mails go through - my mailserver is
Simh mailing list
Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects
Lars Brinkhoff
2016-11-13 12:59:28 UTC
Post by Cory Smelosky
I'm currently working on getting networking going on WAITS. I have
a console-only system running
Can I get a disk/tape image? ;)
The last version of the file system, which lived on 3 RP07 disks,
allocated things in blocks of 9 sectors, giving 1K of data + 200 words
of "retrieval data" per block (repeated through every block of a
file). The issue is that only 3 systems ran WAITS: SU-AI at SAIL, a
KL-10 system attached to the S-1 project at Lawrence Livermore Labs,
and a Foonly F2 at CCRMA (the Center for Computer Research in Music
and Acoustics, at Stanford). Because of the way the system grew,
there was never a need for a utility that would build a file system
from scratch on an initialized disk (like CHECKD in TOPS-20 or the
ONCE code in Tops-10, or even NSALV in ITS), so no one ever wrote one.
How about making raw disk images? Wouldn't it be possible to convert
those to something that can run in emulators?
Lars Brinkhoff
2018-01-08 09:42:45 UTC
only 3 systems ran WAITS: SU-AI at SAIL, a KL-10 system attached to
the S-1 project at Lawrence Livermore Labs, and a Foonly F2 at CCRMA
Are you sure the S-1 WAITS was a KL? In early HOSTS.TXT files,
it's listed as an Foonly F2.
Lars Brinkhoff
2018-01-09 12:21:12 UTC
Post by Lars Brinkhoff
only 3 systems ran WAITS: SU-AI at SAIL, a KL-10 system attached to
the S-1 project at Lawrence Livermore Labs, and a Foonly F2 at CCRMA
Are you sure the S-1 WAITS was a KL? In early HOSTS.TXT files,
it's listed as an Foonly F2.
I can only go by what the WAITS source files say and what the WAITS
systems folks who advised me on the project have told me.
Of course.

I read the CCRMA F2 was upgraded to an F4.
Al Kossow
2018-01-09 15:53:39 UTC
yup, here is half of it

Post by Lars Brinkhoff
I read the CCRMA F2 was upgraded to an F4.
Phil Budne
2015-04-28 03:12:57 UTC
Post by Timothe Litt
Post by Timothe Litt
Post by Cory Smelosky
...This is getting absurd. Just how many stacks exist?!
BBN had a TENEX stack. Not sure if DEC's started with it.
Funny, I was going to say "yes". ISTR the user interface was awful
(didn't use JFNs, so you needed to use special send/recieve calls).
My recall was that Kevin Paetzold wrote a wrapper around the BBN code
for the TCP: device.

I ripped off that code (from TCPTCP.MAC) to make a UDP: device
(UDPUDP.MAC), see ftp://ftp.ultimate.com/pdp10/bucs20-anon/udp/
Post by Timothe Litt
Of course once the KL got the KLNIA, ethernet was the way to go.
Cheaper, faster - and by then, the IMP was gone.
At Boston University we ran TOPS-20 5.3 (I think 5.2 had only the BB&N
interface), which also included a backport of "NI" support.
I remember a lot of BUGCHKs, tho most may have been in the ARP code.

The backbone in those days may well have still have been "net 10" (aka
the ARPAnet). BU's initial real Internet connection was a "long
distance host" connection off an MIT IMP, onto a Sun.

ISTR (from when I was at DEC), TOPS-20 v6 supported the IMP, Ethernet
and even TCP over CI.
Timothe Litt
2015-04-27 18:27:22 UTC
Post by Hittner, David T (IS)
I do agree that 10/20 networking would be a desirable goal.
We did have the KMC/DUP working in SimH for both the -10 and -20 a
couple of years ago - there were some loose ends between the KMC
emulation and the DUP emulator that were open when I was diverted. It
isn't a simple device, and it was emulated using a hybrid model of a KMC
with private APIs into the DUPs. It knows it's talking DDCMP.

Using a VAX (or an -11) as a way station provides a path to the IP world.
Post by Hittner, David T (IS)
You could modify an existing SIMH device of one of the DECNET-supported point-to-point network device interfaces already supported by TOPS to 'fake' the point-to point link over Ethernet by wrapping the data in an Ethernet packet and filtering the Ethernet traffic down so that it looks like a point-to-point link.
Wrapping ethernet onto a point-to-point link won't work well.
point-to-point links and broadcast links are quite different; DECnet
knows the difference at the circuit and routing layers. It would be a
LOT less effort to finish & debug UNASER. (Speaking as the author of
UNASER, the person who made TOPS-10 support DECnet Phase IV & someone
who has debugged every level of the DECnet protocol stack.)

Adding LAT support to DEUNA is easy - once one has DECnet Phase IV.
TOPS-10 already has a LAT driver, and it knows how to talk to NML and
the DECnet circuit interfaces. Except for the small matter of running
out of exec memory in 7.04. 7.03 would be easier, as I had DECnet code
in a pseudo-section then.

The good news is that finishing UNASER means there are no timing loops
to worry about; that is, considering what all else needs to be fixed,
any of those bugs would be lost in the wash.

IP would not be trivial. DEC had no TOPS-10 protocol stack for that,
and no utilities. It could be done in user mode with a UUO interface to
the circuit. But I'd stop at DECnet (+maybe ANF-ethernet & LAT). It's
easy enough to use a VAX as a waystation to IP... In fact, one could
adapt the Phase III PMR library on VAX to proxy connections to IP. Just
a small matter of translating DAP to FTP; NRT to Telnet etc on the fly ...

Trying to port TCP utilities to the -10 would be non-trivial. Somewhere
there IS a C compiler for the -10. But 36-bit words; 6, 7, 8 & 9 bit
chars; location 0 being a valid AC address and a few other endearing
attributes of the -10 do not make porting easy. (Although the C
language in theory can deal with it.) That compiler did not generate
very good code, and there wasn't much of an RTL. You don't want to go
there. Really. You could go thru the -20 utilities - yes, there was
mail, FTP, telnet, DNS - and convert all the command JSYS to GLXLIB and
all the IO JSYSs to UUOs. (MS mail would be easy as DECnet/ANF version
was ported to the -10; the others, projects.) You're talking a serious
project here.

IP for TOPS-20 would be easier - except that there was no ethernet
support in Phase III. And the KS TOPS-20 stopped there. One could
emulate an AN22, which is yet another KMC-11 + microcode. Doc for that
is surprisingly hard to come by. It's not a simple device.

I really was on the the easiest path when I started UNASER....t'wasn't a
random choice.

This communication may not represent my employer's views,
if any, on the matters discussed.
Post by Hittner, David T (IS)
As the original writer of the SIMH DEUNA device, I concur with Tim. If there had been a TOPS 10/20 DEUNA driver, I would have tried to test it during the SIMH DEUNA device development, but Tim, Zane Healy, Fred van Kempen, and others indicated that a production DEUNA driver did not exist, only a few partially-tested hacks. :-(
I do agree that 10/20 networking would be a desirable goal.
1) You can add a DEUNA driver to the TOPS OS to use the existing capability of the SIMH DEUNA Ethernet device
Pros: Could support protocols other than DECNET (IP, LAT, etc.), better performance, more 'standard' implementation
Cons: driver may not be easy portable to other 10/20 OS's, simultaneous driver/device debugging, custom driver must be added to each 10/20 OS install
2) You could modify an existing SIMH device of one of the DECNET-supported point-to-point network device interfaces already supported by TOPS to 'fake' the point-to point link over Ethernet by wrapping the data in an Ethernet packet and filtering the Ethernet traffic down so that it looks like a point-to-point link. Theoretically, no OS debugging would be required, but in practice SIMH device debugging tends to require walking the OS code to see the simulated device interactions. You might need to add some data buffering in the SIMH device so that the TOPS OS doesn't lose data due to service timing loops - Ethernet can be wicked fast compared to the speed of the old timing loops.
Pros: no changes required to existing 10/20 OS drivers for DECNET III/IV, single device to debug
Cons: possible timing loop data loss issues, more complex SIMH device behavior, not easily expanded for non-DECNET network protocols
If you're interested in pursuing the latter, remember to debug the Ethernet connections on a hard wire; wireless Ethernet has many implementation subtleties that make it difficult for non-IP protocols like DECNET. I might even be able to provide some midnight project help with either of these, although like Tim, I can't promise how much time might be available.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 6:32 AM
Subject: EXT :Re: [Simh] PDP-10 simulation: DEUNA support help needed
Although I started to write a TOPS-10 DEUNA driver as a midnight project, I never finished it. So far as I know no one else did, although the configuration support did find its way into the monitor.
Sadly, there were (and are) only so many midnights, but the supply of projects is infinite.
DECnet-10 supports ethernet on the KL, but the code for broadcast devices (ethernet) is not conditionally assembled. So in theory, it should be possible to write a (or complete my) driver. That's on my list of projects - unfortunately, quite far down the list. It would be very nice to have. Note also that there is code to support ANF-10 over ethernet; that also needs to be hooked in. Besides the driver proper, there are also tables that should be setup for NML. The KDP/DMR didn't
- but they have out-of-band monitoring and are much simpler to debug.
SimH provides the hardware, but obviously that has never been tested.
As it works on the PDP-11/VAX, I don't expect issues on the -10. You should be able to set an address via SimH - for the real hardware, I picked something convenient (but I don't remember what it is). The -10 doesn't autoconfigure its Unibus (although SimH has code to do so); all addresses are fixed. You'd put the address assignment (on UBA3) in pdp10_defs.h & see that it finds its way to the DIB - see auto_tab in pdp10_ksio.c. Or just use set address.
The bottom line is that any support that you see in the monitor is illusory; either you wait for real support to find its way up to the top of my (or someone else's) project list, or take it on yourself :-)
P.S. Before someone asks: TOPS-20 never had DEUNA support, and I never started that project. Early DECnet Phase IV development was on TOPS-20. It did use a 3COM ethernet board on the KS (this before DEUNA was available & long before the KLNIA). That driver was discarded before the first TOPS-20 release of Phase IV, as the -20 group decided not to support the KS. There was never a -20 DEUNA driver.
This communication may not represent my employer's views, if any, on the matters discussed.
Post by Cory Smelosky
I'm (attempting) to get DEUNA support operating in the KS10 simulation
(likely incorrectly).
I'm running in to some TOPS-10 issues assembling a monitor...does
anyone have a pre-genned TOPS-10 disk set up for DECnet on a KS10 with
ethernet I can use to test...if I even get that far?
* Shows up in SHOW DEV
* Has a vector
* Links correctly
* Can be enabled and attach to a host device
...and that's about all I have managed. Doesn't have an actual UNIBUS
address which is a LITTLE BIT OF AN ISSUE.
2015-04-27 18:43:05 UTC
Post by Timothe Litt
Trying to port TCP utilities to the -10 would be non-trivial. Somewhere
there IS a C compiler for the -10. But 36-bit words; 6, 7, 8 & 9 bit
chars; location 0 being a valid AC address and a few other endearing
attributes of the -10 do not make porting easy. (Although the C
language in theory can deal with it.)
For a while there was an attempt to make a port of NetBSD to the PDP-10.
Its goal was (partly) I think to shake out various assumptions in the
code that were less than portable. However the attempt was never
completed, and at some point the code was dropped.
Post by Timothe Litt
IP for TOPS-20 would be easier - except that there was no ethernet
support in Phase III. And the KS TOPS-20 stopped there. One could
TOPS-20 on klh has TCP (and hence IP) in the Panda distribution. I
improved klh to use tap/bridge devices (much like currently present in
simh). Too bad there is nobody maintaining simh to integrate my patches

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert -- The Doctor: No, 'eureka' is Greek for
\X/ rhialto/at/xs4all.nl -- 'this bath is too hot.'
Timothe Litt
2015-04-27 18:50:20 UTC
Post by Rhialto
Post by Timothe Litt
Trying to port TCP utilities to the -10 would be non-trivial. Somewhere
there IS a C compiler for the -10. But 36-bit words; 6, 7, 8 & 9 bit
chars; location 0 being a valid AC address and a few other endearing
attributes of the -10 do not make porting easy. (Although the C
language in theory can deal with it.)
For a while there was an attempt to make a port of NetBSD to the PDP-10.
Its goal was (partly) I think to shake out various assumptions in the
code that were less than portable. However the attempt was never
completed, and at some point the code was dropped.
Post by Timothe Litt
IP for TOPS-20 would be easier - except that there was no ethernet
support in Phase III. And the KS TOPS-20 stopped there. One could
TOPS-20 on klh has TCP (and hence IP) in the Panda distribution.
Yes, because KLH emulates the KL; the KL has the KLNIA (ethernet
adapter) & a version of TOPS-20 that supports DECnet Phase IV.
SimH only emulates the KS, and TOPS-20 dropped support for the KS before
DECnet Phase IV.

All my comments are in the context of SimH and the versions of
TOPS-10/-20 that it supports.
Post by Rhialto
improved klh to use tap/bridge devices (much like currently present in
simh). Too bad there is nobody maintaining simh to integrate my patches
SimH is maintained - perhaps you meant "nobody maintaining KLH"...
Post by Rhialto
2015-04-27 18:51:42 UTC
Post by Timothe Litt
SimH is maintained - perhaps you meant "nobody maintaining KLH"...
Eh yes, that is what I meant.

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert -- The Doctor: No, 'eureka' is Greek for
\X/ rhialto/at/xs4all.nl -- 'this bath is too hot.'
Cory Smelosky
2015-04-27 19:41:50 UTC
Post by Rhialto
TOPS-20 on klh has TCP (and hence IP) in the Panda distribution. I
improved klh to use tap/bridge devices (much like currently present in
simh). Too bad there is nobody maintaining simh to integrate my patches
They seem to not work on 3.16:

../../src/osdnet.c:1698:23: error: storage size of ifra isnt known
../../src/osdnet.c:1723:18: error: SIOCAIFADDR undeclared (first use in
this function)
../../src/osdnet.c:1723:18: note: each undeclared identifier is reported
only once for each function it appears in
Post by Rhialto
Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects
Anders Magnusson
2015-04-27 19:44:20 UTC
Post by Rhialto
Post by Timothe Litt
Trying to port TCP utilities to the -10 would be non-trivial. Somewhere
there IS a C compiler for the -10. But 36-bit words; 6, 7, 8 & 9 bit
chars; location 0 being a valid AC address and a few other endearing
attributes of the -10 do not make porting easy. (Although the C
language in theory can deal with it.)
For a while there was an attempt to make a port of NetBSD to the PDP-10.
Its goal was (partly) I think to shake out various assumptions in the
code that were less than portable. However the attempt was never
completed, and at some point the code was dropped.
The code is just moved to Attic, so it may be resurrected by someone
The PDP-10 port is my fault. It is at the point when the system wants
to mount the root filesystem, but I couldn't really decide how to deal
with the
disk structures in a sane way.

-- Ragge
Johnny Eriksson
2015-04-27 22:22:42 UTC
Post by Johnny Billquist
Just as a clarification/expansion...
KICKI was/is a KI-10 (sometimes 1, sometimes 2, and sometimes 3 cpus)
running in Stockholm many years ago. It is owned by Peter Lothberg, and
members of the Stacken Computer Club had accounts on the machine. KICKI
was running Tops-10 V7.03 last I know it was running.
Stacken is a computer club located at the Royal Institute of Technology
in Stockholm (KTH). KTH had many PDP-10 systems in the 80s, inclduing
some KS machines, some of which are still around.
Stacken, at one point, had gathered additional PDP-10s from various
places around the world, and might have had the largest collections of
PDP-10s anywhere. Most of been scrapped now, I think. Sad, but problems
with space...
Stacken and Peter broke up a long time ago. Let's just say that the
divorce was ugly. Peter got custody of most of the PDP10 stuff, and
it was moved to a storage facility of his. It might still be there,
I have no idea, and I am (still) not on speaking terms with him.

A couple of KS machines was kept, and one of them was actually up and
running less than a year ago when the KTH CS department had its 50
year anniversary. (It was actually their first "real" computer).

It is still hidden away somewhere, but there is at the moment no place
where it could be placed in running condition. It needs a good home.
Post by Johnny Billquist
The last few of posts have all been referring to the same software. I
might even have some suspicions of at least some of the people who might
have been involved in writing that code.
It might be someone that's on this list, and shares his name with you :->
Post by Johnny Billquist
Johnny Billquist
2015-04-27 20:32:11 UTC
Post by Johnny Eriksson
Post by Johnny Billquist
Just as a clarification/expansion...
KICKI was/is a KI-10 (sometimes 1, sometimes 2, and sometimes 3 cpus)
running in Stockholm many years ago. It is owned by Peter Lothberg, and
members of the Stacken Computer Club had accounts on the machine. KICKI
was running Tops-10 V7.03 last I know it was running.
Stacken is a computer club located at the Royal Institute of Technology
in Stockholm (KTH). KTH had many PDP-10 systems in the 80s, inclduing
some KS machines, some of which are still around.
Stacken, at one point, had gathered additional PDP-10s from various
places around the world, and might have had the largest collections of
PDP-10s anywhere. Most of been scrapped now, I think. Sad, but problems
with space...
Stacken and Peter broke up a long time ago. Let's just say that the
divorce was ugly. Peter got custody of most of the PDP10 stuff, and
it was moved to a storage facility of his. It might still be there,
I have no idea, and I am (still) not on speaking terms with him.
I know there was a fallout, and I was even around back then, but I was
not involved, and have no clue on details. (And I am still on speaking
terms with Peter.)

Anyway, I thought that Stackens machines had met a sadder fate, so I
guess it is good news if Peter have them.
Post by Johnny Eriksson
A couple of KS machines was kept, and one of them was actually up and
running less than a year ago when the KTH CS department had its 50
year anniversary. (It was actually their first "real" computer).
Nice to hear they had it up and running. I was (somewhat) involved when
the other KSes moved out.
Post by Johnny Eriksson
It is still hidden away somewhere, but there is at the moment no place
where it could be placed in running condition. It needs a good home.
Hmm. I hope it's ok for now. But if things turn critical, let me know. I
think I can round up some people to rescue things, if needed.
Post by Johnny Eriksson
Post by Johnny Billquist
The last few of posts have all been referring to the same software. I
might even have some suspicions of at least some of the people who might
have been involved in writing that code.
It might be someone that's on this list, and shares his name with you :->
You were definitely on my short list, yes. ;-)

Pontus Pihlgren
2015-04-28 07:19:22 UTC
Post by Johnny Billquist
Anyway, I thought that Stackens machines had met a sadder fate, so I
guess it is good news if Peter have them.
I think most survived in one way or another. Peter at least had this in
storage at some point:

Although, this on twitter made me wonder:

I queried Peter about it, but go no reply. I suppose I might not be on
speaking terms with him either :D It would be onesided though, I have
nothing against him.
Post by Johnny Billquist
Nice to hear they had it up and running. I was (somewhat) involved
when the other KSes moved out.
I think you are talking about the same machine(s). We helped move out
Helena (the 11/70) and Venus (my KS10) when stacken needed space. Nadja
(a KS10) was left behind and was brought up some time later on. It was
used, among other things, to retrieve a source copy of "Stugan" from
some disk pack.

Also, the other Johnny(hi Bygg) together with Haba has Aurora, a KS10
which may or may not be complete.
Post by Johnny Billquist
Hmm. I hope it's ok for now. But if things turn critical, let me
know. I think I can round up some people to rescue things, if
A KS10 would be an easy decision. My place is full, but I can think of
several other places. Although Nadja came with a boatload of peripherals
so it's quite a big system.

Hopefully my post cleard up some confusion rather than creating it :)

Johnny Eriksson
2015-04-27 22:36:17 UTC
Post by Timothe Litt
Then there's the stack just posted - it is clearly incomplete.
Yes, it is incomplete, mostly due to severe lack of time. It's also
not up and running at the moment, something that should be fixed.

It is, however, complete enough to do:

* UDP, with a TFTP server and client.

* TCP with outgoing telnet.

* Together with the patched (but old) SIMH found around the same
ftp site it can create an ANF10 network via simulated KMC/DUP
lines, tunneled over TCP between simh hosts.

I have when running this used it to connect to a simh/tops instance
on a public IP (at stacken), .SET HOST to another at home behind my
firewall, and .TELNET to machines at home...

Cory Smelosky
2015-04-27 20:39:05 UTC
Post by Johnny Eriksson
Yes, it is incomplete, mostly due to severe lack of time. It's also
not up and running at the moment, something that should be fixed.
* UDP, with a TFTP server and client.
Complete with 32M file limit? Does it support file writes for server

If 1 is no and 2 is yes...I see no reason I couldn't use this for CIS disk
Post by Johnny Eriksson
* TCP with outgoing telnet.
* Together with the patched (but old) SIMH found around the same
ftp site it can create an ANF10 network via simulated KMC/DUP
lines, tunneled over TCP between simh hosts.
I have when running this used it to connect to a simh/tops instance
on a public IP (at stacken), .SET HOST to another at home behind my
firewall, and .TELNET to machines at home...
Simh mailing list
Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects
Mark Pizzolato - Info Comm
2015-04-30 22:21:58 UTC
Post by Clem Cole
Striping came along with redundant arrays of
inexpensive disks. At $50,000 a drive, RP07s were not candidates. ;-)
Be careful here with that sort of statement. Striping as a technology predates RAID and certainly could have been used by large commercial systems if people had wanted too. Supercomputers like Crays and CDC, as well as the "mini-crays" like Convex and even the "Crayolla" (Stellar) all striped with very expensive 19" technology in the late 1970s and 1980s.
You are correct, that striping as a popular technique does not go mainstream until the 3.5" technology where the cost per byte got low enough that "anyone" could afford it - i.e. when the idea of RAID shows up.
Actually, even before low cost 3.5" drives were available, RAID was an industry acronym, but in those days it came from Redundant Array of Independent Disks.

VMS Volume Shadowing and then the Stripe Driver implemented RAID 1 and RAID 0 respectively.

- Mark
Timothe Litt
2015-04-30 23:07:50 UTC
Post by Clem Cole
Post by Clem Cole
On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 4:20 PM, Rich Alderson
Striping came along with redundant arrays of
inexpensive disks. At $50,000 a drive, RP07s were not candidates. ;-)
Be careful here with that sort of statement. Striping as a
technology predates RAID and certainly could have been used by large
commercial systems if people had wanted too. Supercomputers like
Crays and CDC, as well as the "mini-crays" like Convex and even the
"Crayolla" (Stellar) all striped with very expensive 19" technology in
the late 1970s and 1980s.
Post by Clem Cole
You are correct, that striping as a popular technique does not go
mainstream until the 3.5" technology where the cost per byte got low
enough that "anyone" could afford it - i.e. when the idea of RAID
shows up.
Actually, even before low cost 3.5" drives were available, RAID was an
industry acronym, but in those days it came from Redundant Array of
Independent Disks.
That was a paper c.a. 1987 by Patterson et. al. which is generally
credited with the RAID name. But the order of events depends on whose
history you read.

I remember discussions about JBOD arrays, and adding EDC to them at a
NETLUG (DECUS chapter for 10/20s) earlier than that. It would have been
between 77 & 84... and would have been the 5MB winchester drives. And
the RAID (inexpensive) acronym was used in the discussion. This wasn't
a DEC presentation. I may have a DECtape with the meeting minutes
somewhere in my collection...
Post by Clem Cole
VMS Volume Shadowing and then the Stripe Driver implemented RAID 1 and RAID 0 respectively.
In DEC, volume shadowing was first built into the HSC50 (a CI-based
disk/tape controller), released in the early 80s. Drives were the 14"
RA81 and follow-ons. The early design work was in the late 70s. The
TOPS20 announcement of the CI, CFS and clusters predated the VMS
announcement, to the great annoyance of the VMS crew, which had it
running internally but wasn't permitted to announce it. TOPS20 didn't
support volume shadowing. Neither did TOPS10, though it did support CI
disks and tapes (but not clusters) later. The CI/MSCP protocol layers
used common code in both OSs, similar to what was done with DECnet.
Host-based volume shadowing came considerably later.

I implemented V1 of the VAX Striping Driver, c.a. 1988, as a midnight
engineering project. It was originally proposed by the LCG I/O group as
part of the VAX9000 development to address high-bandwidth I/O
requirements of the HPTC market. It turned out to be extremely popular
for general timesharing, as it increased the sustainable request rate -
much of a timesharing workload consists of small I/Os - to mail files,
editor journals, and the like. It was sold across the product line,
more for request rate than for bandwidth.

However, the Striping driver was perfectly happy to stripe any
underlying physical devices (though one wanted the sizes to be the
same.) This means it wasn't limited to RAID 0. People striped
shadowsets (host and controller-based), which some call RAID 1+0.
People also striped MSCP-served disks, whatever the underlying
technology. And MSCP-served stripesets. Some of these configurations
had, er, interesting performance characteristics. But the Striping
driver was inexpensive, and the placebo effect overcame engineering reality.

When it became evident that Striping was a popular product, there was a
proposal for host-based RAID. I had nothing to do with that, having
turned the Striping driver over to the Storage group by then...
Post by Clem Cole
- Mark
Cory Smelosky
2015-04-30 23:13:05 UTC
Post by Timothe Litt
In DEC, volume shadowing was first built into the HSC50 (a CI-based
disk/tape controller), released in the early 80s. Drives were the 14"
RA81 and follow-ons. The early design work was in the late 70s. The
TOPS20 announcement of the CI, CFS and clusters predated the VMS
announcement, to the great annoyance of the VMS crew, which had it
running internally but wasn't permitted to announce it. TOPS20 didn't
support volume shadowing. Neither did TOPS10, though it did support CI
disks and tapes (but not clusters) later. The CI/MSCP protocol layers
used common code in both OSs, similar to what was done with DECnet.
Host-based volume shadowing came considerably later.
So...were MSCP drives connected to the KL/KS over CI to an HSC50? I saw
MSCP drivers but couldn't figure out how they were attached. ;)
Post by Timothe Litt
I implemented V1 of the VAX Striping Driver, c.a. 1988, as a midnight
engineering project. It was originally proposed by the LCG I/O group as
part of the VAX9000 development to address high-bandwidth I/O
requirements of the HPTC market. It turned out to be extremely popular
for general timesharing, as it increased the sustainable request rate -
much of a timesharing workload consists of small I/Os - to mail files,
editor journals, and the like. It was sold across the product line,
more for request rate than for bandwidth.

Have a paper on it? I'm interested in read/versus write speeds/latencies.
Post by Timothe Litt
However, the Striping driver was perfectly happy to stripe any
underlying physical devices (though one wanted the sizes to be the
same.) This means it wasn't limited to RAID 0. People striped
shadowsets (host and controller-based), which some call RAID 1+0.
People also striped MSCP-served disks, whatever the underlying
technology. And MSCP-served stripesets. Some of these configurations
had, er, interesting performance characteristics. But the Striping
driver was inexpensive, and the placebo effect overcame engineering reality.
Unusual perferformance characteristics always make for interesting papers!
Post by Timothe Litt
When it became evident that Striping was a popular product, there was a
proposal for host-based RAID. I had nothing to do with that, having
turned the Striping driver over to the Storage group by then...
Post by Timothe Litt
Post by Mark Pizzolato - Info Comm
- Mark
Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects
Timothe Litt
2015-05-01 00:03:52 UTC
Post by Cory Smelosky
Post by Timothe Litt
In DEC, volume shadowing was first built into the HSC50 (a CI-based
disk/tape controller), released in the early 80s. Drives were the 14"
RA81 and follow-ons. The early design work was in the late 70s. The
TOPS20 announcement of the CI, CFS and clusters predated the VMS
announcement, to the great annoyance of the VMS crew, which had it
running internally but wasn't permitted to announce it. TOPS20 didn't
support volume shadowing. Neither did TOPS10, though it did support CI
disks and tapes (but not clusters) later. The CI/MSCP protocol layers
used common code in both OSs, similar to what was done with DECnet.
Host-based volume shadowing came considerably later.
So...were MSCP drives connected to the KL/KS over CI to an HSC50? I
saw MSCP drivers but couldn't figure out how they were attached. ;)
KL only (KLIPA = KL -> CI adapter). No CI adapter for the KS.
Post by Cory Smelosky
Post by Timothe Litt
I implemented V1 of the VAX Striping Driver, c.a. 1988, as a midnight
engineering project. It was originally proposed by the LCG I/O group as
part of the VAX9000 development to address high-bandwidth I/O
requirements of the HPTC market. It turned out to be extremely popular
for general timesharing, as it increased the sustainable request rate -
much of a timesharing workload consists of small I/Os - to mail files,
editor journals, and the like. It was sold across the product line,
more for request rate than for bandwidth.
Have a paper on it? I'm interested in read/versus write
In my archives, somewhere I have an internal document based on a week of
experiments that I did. Not published, but the basis for all the
training and sales materials.

Read and write speeds don't differ because of striping; it will saturate
the hardware in either direction. (It's more complicated for RAID due
to parity-induced asymmetry - both updates and when required for
reconstruction.) Striping for bandwidth, the key parameters are the
request size, the stripe size (tracks are good), number of members, and
whether the controller supports request fragmentation. Those that don't
suffer, especially when striping for bandwidth because as the number of
drives increases, the probability of some drive's request requiring a
full revolution to start approaches unity. Hardware striping addressed
traditionally addressed this with rotationally synchronized spindles.
With request fragmentation, I demonstrated that this was unnecessary,
as the latency is 1/2 sector, max 1. Striping for request rate is
rather more tolerant; generally you don't want the stripe size to get
too large.

Workloads do have different read/write characteristics - but this is
independent of striping. IIRC, VAX VMS timesharing tended to be about
90% reads. But what hits the heads varies based on host (and
controller) caching. The host can cache metadata and/or user data. And
with VMS, you get multiple levels of caching; the ACP, RMS &
applications. With an effective cache, the heads can see 90% writes
with the same workload. The Unix buffer cache has different
characteristics, only partly because of the VMS lock manager's effects.
These days, drives do read-ahead, write-thru (and sometimes write-behind
or write-back) caching.

TOPS-10 implemented a physical disk block cache, IIRC somewhere around
7.02/7.03. Prior to that, we only cached the SATs (bitmap allocation)
and to some extent, RIBs.

But by now we're at least triply off-topic...
Post by Cory Smelosky
Post by Timothe Litt
However, the Striping driver was perfectly happy to stripe any
underlying physical devices (though one wanted the sizes to be the
same.) This means it wasn't limited to RAID 0. People striped
shadowsets (host and controller-based), which some call RAID 1+0.
People also striped MSCP-served disks, whatever the underlying
technology. And MSCP-served stripesets. Some of these configurations
had, er, interesting performance characteristics. But the Striping
driver was inexpensive, and the placebo effect overcame engineering reality.
Unusual perferformance characteristics always make for interesting papers!
Perhaps. I was in the engineering business, not the paper writing business.
By the time people got around to papers, I was almost always on the bleeding
edge of something else.

In this case, it's pretty easy to predict what happens when you add
layers of software and interconnect to something tuned for performance.
Johnny Billquist
2015-05-01 00:41:09 UTC
Post by Timothe Litt
Post by Cory Smelosky
Post by Timothe Litt
In DEC, volume shadowing was first built into the HSC50 (a CI-based
disk/tape controller), released in the early 80s. Drives were the 14"
RA81 and follow-ons. The early design work was in the late 70s. The
TOPS20 announcement of the CI, CFS and clusters predated the VMS
announcement, to the great annoyance of the VMS crew, which had it
running internally but wasn't permitted to announce it. TOPS20 didn't
support volume shadowing. Neither did TOPS10, though it did support CI
disks and tapes (but not clusters) later. The CI/MSCP protocol layers
used common code in both OSs, similar to what was done with DECnet.
Host-based volume shadowing came considerably later.
So...were MSCP drives connected to the KL/KS over CI to an HSC50? I
saw MSCP drivers but couldn't figure out how they were attached. ;)
KL only (KLIPA = KL -> CI adapter). No CI adapter for the KS.
Of course, the curious mind, especially in the light of where this
thread started, then wonders if not the UDA-50 would be possible to use
on a KS...?

Hmm, that might fail on that the UDA-50 might not have been able to deal
with 576 byte sectors... I seem to remember you needed some specific
versions of CRONIC for the UDA-50 to use 576 byte block disks...?

Johnny Billquist
2015-05-01 00:45:07 UTC
Post by Johnny Billquist
Post by Timothe Litt
Post by Cory Smelosky
Post by Timothe Litt
In DEC, volume shadowing was first built into the HSC50 (a CI-based
disk/tape controller), released in the early 80s. Drives were the 14"
RA81 and follow-ons. The early design work was in the late 70s. The
TOPS20 announcement of the CI, CFS and clusters predated the VMS
announcement, to the great annoyance of the VMS crew, which had it
running internally but wasn't permitted to announce it. TOPS20 didn't
support volume shadowing. Neither did TOPS10, though it did support CI
disks and tapes (but not clusters) later. The CI/MSCP protocol layers
used common code in both OSs, similar to what was done with DECnet.
Host-based volume shadowing came considerably later.
So...were MSCP drives connected to the KL/KS over CI to an HSC50? I
saw MSCP drivers but couldn't figure out how they were attached. ;)
KL only (KLIPA = KL -> CI adapter). No CI adapter for the KS.
Of course, the curious mind, especially in the light of where this
thread started, then wonders if not the UDA-50 would be possible to use
on a KS...?
Hmm, that might fail on that the UDA-50 might not have been able to deal
with 576 byte sectors... I seem to remember you needed some specific
versions of CRONIC for the UDA-50 to use 576 byte block disks...?
Dammit. I need to fix my fingers. That last "UDA-50" should have read

Cory Smelosky
2015-05-01 01:00:09 UTC
Of course, the curious mind, especially in the light of where this thread
started, then wonders if not the UDA-50 would be possible to use on a KS...?
Hmmmm. Interesting question!

I would ASSUME not as a boot device, but possibly with some Monitor
Hmm, that might fail on that the UDA-50 might not have been able to deal with
576 byte sectors... I seem to remember you needed some specific versions of
CRONIC for the UDA-50 to use 576 byte block disks...?
Simh mailing list
Cory Smelosky
http://gewt.net Personal stuff
http://gimme-sympathy.org Projects
Timothe Litt
2015-05-01 11:04:41 UTC
Post by Johnny Billquist
Post by Timothe Litt
KL only (KLIPA = KL -> CI adapter). No CI adapter for the KS.
Of course, the curious mind, especially in the light of where this
thread started, then wonders if not the UDA-50 would be possible to
use on a KS...?
Hmm, that might fail on that the UDA-50 might not have been able to
deal with 576 byte sectors... I seem to remember you needed some
specific versions of CRONIC for the UDA-50 to use 576 byte block
I looked into that after the UDA was released, when the KL was taking
bits of Jupiter to get its CI support. The UDA50 did not support
576-byte sectors, nor did it support 18-bit data transfers on the
Unibus. The former could be dealt with in microcode; the latter would
require hardware changes somewhere. Either in the UDA or in the UBA.

My friends in storage weren't interested in extending the UDA as a
midnight project, and declared it infeasible years later when the
KS-follow-on was an official project and a full evaluation was done.
The UDA50 had insufficient hardware resources and it would have required
a major hardware revision. That would have lost the economies of
re-using the UDA. The Unibus was pretty much at end of life, so an
extended UDA wasn't going to be absorbed by future VAXs & 11s. And we
would have ended up with, well, the UDA. Which had its own issues,
including the lack of transfer optimizations. A new UBA for the KS
wasn't going to happen under the radar, which is how I did what I could
for the KS.

There were proposals for xBA hardware in the follow-on to map transfers
onto 512-byte sectors, but they had issues. Among them: Unibus
performance, exchanging removable media (RA60) with the rest of the
family, and file system assumptions. There was another proposal to
just map 18-bit transfers into 16-bits in the UBA, which was reasonable
- if the UDA took on 576 byte sectors. I suspect that we would have
ended up with a KS backplane bus -> SDI/STI module instead, though the
development cost would have been rather high.

In any case, the KS follow-on project wasn't allowed to proceed and the
issues were left unresolved.

You can read some of the documents at:




Despite the authoritative style, these were works-in-progress, and
issues remained...
Johnny Billquist
2015-05-01 00:34:30 UTC
Post by Clem Cole
Post by Clem Cole
On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 4:20 PM, Rich Alderson
Striping came along with redundant arrays of
inexpensive disks. At $50,000 a drive, RP07s were not candidates. ;-)
Be careful here with that sort of statement. Striping as a
technology predates RAID and certainly could have been used by large
commercial systems if people had wanted too. Supercomputers like Crays
and CDC, as well as the "mini-crays" like Convex and even the "Crayolla"
(Stellar) all striped with very expensive 19" technology in the late
1970s and 1980s.
Post by Clem Cole
You are correct, that striping as a popular technique does not go
mainstream until the 3.5" technology where the cost per byte got low
enough that "anyone" could afford it - i.e. when the idea of RAID shows up.
Actually, even before low cost 3.5" drives were available, RAID was an
industry acronym, but in those days it came from Redundant Array of
Independent Disks.
VMS Volume Shadowing and then the Stripe Driver implemented RAID 1 and RAID 0 respectively.
(I have that under RSX as well... :-) )

Clem Cole
2015-05-01 01:16:04 UTC
On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 6:21 PM, Mark Pizzolato - Info Comm <
Post by Mark Pizzolato - Info Comm
Actually, even before low cost 3.5" drives were available, RAID was an
industry acronym, but in those days it came from Redundant Array of
Independent Disks.
​Yep - I was stay striping was an old idea, and around long before RAID
became popular when disk became cheap enough. And yes, a number of systems
had implemented RAID on earlier disk technology. Not at all surprising to
verify that VMS was one of the systems that had it.
