[Simh] Bliss versus C
dave porter
2018-01-30 04:12:10 UTC
Hmmm.. to be honest this sound nice but I suspect it is more like
legend/wishful thinking than something Dennis would have said.
I'm pretty sure I read this in something actually written
by Ritchie, though since I can't come up with the source,
it's possible I'm suffering from uncorrectable memory errors.
Johnny Billquist
2018-01-30 14:45:58 UTC
I think he said something similar about if they had been able to get a pdp-10 then Unix would not have happened.

Post by dave porter
Hmmm.. to be honest this sound nice but I suspect it is more like
legend/wishful thinking than something Dennis would have said.
I'm pretty sure I read this in something actually written
by Ritchie, though since I can't come up with the source,
it's possible I'm suffering from uncorrectable memory errors.
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Clem Cole
2018-01-30 15:15:39 UTC
Post by Johnny Billquist
if they had been able to get a pdp-10 then Unix would not have happened.
​That was Ken describing the Tenex development in the introduction to his
Turning award: *"I suspect Daniel Bobrow would be here instead of me if he
could not afford a PDP-10 and had to "settle" for a PDP-11."*


Johnny Billquist
2018-01-30 23:05:13 UTC
 if they had been able to get a pdp-10 then Unix would not have
​That was Ken describing the Tenex development in the introduction to
his Turning award: /"I suspect Daniel Bobrow would be here instead of me
if he could not afford a PDP-10 and had to "settle" for a PDP-11."/
Ah. Right. That was what my memory was trying to remember.

Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: ***@softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol