[Simh] Fixing the FP11's use of MMR1
Bob Supnik
2015-03-24 21:07:08 UTC
This issue, pointed out by Johnny Billquist, has been hanging fire for

Fixing the FP11's use of MMR1 - implementation proposal

As has been noted, the FP11 does not update MMR1, ever. Instead, on an
general registers except the PC are unchanged from the values they held
at the
start of the instruction.

We can distinguish three cases:

- A true abort (non-existent memory, memory management error, odd
address trap).
The general registers are unchanged. The PC has been updated. MMR2
will hold
the address of the instruction for a memory management abort, unless
all the
memory management registers were frozen.

- A floating point error. The instruction completes. The general registers
have been updated. The PC points at the next instruction. A floating
trap may or may not be pending.

- A floating point error that stops execution of the instruction (divide by
zero, invalid instruction, enabled trap on undefined variable). All
instruction processing after the error is skipped. The instruction
"completes". The general registers have been updated for address mode
changes. The PC points at the next instruction. A floating point trap may
or may not be pending.

Because the abort paths are common to all instructions (the J11 had multiple
abort paths), it's desirable not to introduce floating point fixup code into
abort processing. Instead, we'll take a cue out of the J11 microcode.

- Instead of using the standard integer addressing routine GeteaW, the FP11
will use a specialized local copy, GeteaFW. (The J11 has duplicate
address decode routines for floating point, to avoid touching MMR1.)

- Neither GeteaFW nor GeteaFP will change MMR1 or update non-PC general
register state. Instead, they will record any general register change
(there can be only one) in a local FP11 variable that is initialized
to 0.

- At normal exit, these changes will be applied, UNLESS the instruction
has itself overwritten the general register that was updated in the
addressing phase. This can only happen on STFPS, STST, STEXP, and STCFi.

Now we have to make sure that all floating point error paths that can
update the general registers reach the normal exit point. There are three
cases, at present, that don't:

- Divide by zero. Instead of forcing a pseudo-abort, simply bypass
the rest of instruction processing if the divisor is 0.

- Floating register source with register >= 6. It's safe to take the
current pseudo-abort because no general register modifications have
occurred (there is only one specifier, and it's mode 06 or 07).

- Floating undefined variable with enabled trap. At present, ReadFP
doesn't return a value. Let it return a value of true for a valid
floating point operand or disabled trap and false for an undefined
variable with trap. Code that currently looks like this:

ReadFP (...);
more processing;

instead becomes:

if (ReadFP (...)) {
more processing;

That is, unless the undefined variable trap will be taken, process
the instruction; otherwise, skip it.

This approach has the advantage that nothing changes outside the FP11.
very little overhead is introduced - just clearing the register change
at FP instruction start and testing it at exit.
Ethan Dicks
2018-11-13 20:45:15 UTC
Post by Bob Supnik
This issue, pointed out by Johnny Billquist, has been hanging fire for
Fixing the FP11's use of MMR1 - implementation proposal
As has been noted, the FP11 does not update MMR1, ever....
This was very interesting and educational to read, but when does it
matter? Diagnostics? Are there any live programs that depend on this

I'm not saying it's not worth fixing, just asking out of curiosity
when it might trigger.

Johnny Billquist
2018-11-14 01:54:37 UTC
Post by Ethan Dicks
Post by Bob Supnik
This issue, pointed out by Johnny Billquist, has been hanging fire for
Fixing the FP11's use of MMR1 - implementation proposal
As has been noted, the FP11 does not update MMR1, ever....
This was very interesting and educational to read, but when does it
matter? Diagnostics? Are there any live programs that depend on this
I'm not saying it's not worth fixing, just asking out of curiosity
when it might trigger.
Jeez. Over three years ago... I need a reminder what this even was about...

Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: ***@softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
Paul Koning
2018-11-14 01:58:51 UTC
Post by Ethan Dicks
Post by Bob Supnik
This issue, pointed out by Johnny Billquist, has been hanging fire for
Fixing the FP11's use of MMR1 - implementation proposal
As has been noted, the FP11 does not update MMR1, ever....
This was very interesting and educational to read, but when does it
matter? Diagnostics? Are there any live programs that depend on this
Interesting question. FWIW, RSTS does not use MMR1. It saves it in crash dumps but never touches it anywhere else.

Johnny Billquist
2018-11-14 02:07:53 UTC
Post by Paul Koning
Post by Ethan Dicks
Post by Bob Supnik
This issue, pointed out by Johnny Billquist, has been hanging fire for
Fixing the FP11's use of MMR1 - implementation proposal
As has been noted, the FP11 does not update MMR1, ever....
This was very interesting and educational to read, but when does it
matter? Diagnostics? Are there any live programs that depend on this
Interesting question. FWIW, RSTS does not use MMR1. It saves it in crash dumps but never touches it anywhere else.
I haven't made a proper check in RSX, but at least I know that if you
get a memory address error trap in RSX, the contents of the MMU
registers are saved on the stack, and the user level program gets them,
and then the user level program can do whatever it want with the
information, so it is used in the sense that it is provided for
applications to potentially make use of.

Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: ***@softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
Johnny Billquist
2018-11-14 02:10:05 UTC
Post by Johnny Billquist
Post by Ethan Dicks
Post by Bob Supnik
This issue, pointed out by Johnny Billquist, has been hanging fire for
Fixing the FP11's use of MMR1 - implementation proposal
As has been noted, the FP11 does not update MMR1, ever....
This was very interesting and educational to read, but when does it
matter?  Diagnostics?  Are there any live programs that depend on this
Interesting question.  FWIW, RSTS does not use MMR1.  It saves it in
crash dumps but never touches it anywhere else.
I haven't made a proper check in RSX, but at least I know that if you
get a memory address error trap in RSX, the contents of the MMU
registers are saved on the stack, and the user level program gets them,
and then the user level program can do whatever it want with the
information, so it is used in the sense that it is provided for
applications to potentially make use of.
That said, I should probably go and dig through my old mails to see what
I did say back then. I'll see if I can dig that out next weekend.

Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: ***@softjar.se || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol